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Old 07-12-2024, 11:02 AM
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Re: My boring story...

I must have napped all the way through lunch as I woke up feeling hungry, and it was already getting dark outside.

I checked my phone and there were no missed calls from work and no texts, even my Teams messenger had been silent the entire day. At least I didn't have to waste a day of annual leave.

As usual, Mike and Tom were playing Diablo again, and a quick check in the master bedroom revealed a naked Alicia seemingly fast asleep.

I went back to the computer room.

Me: What's for dinner?

M: How hungry are you?

Me: Very.

T: Well considering you slept all the way…

Me: Nobody tried to wake me?

T: I tried. When Alicia was done and went to take a shower. You refused to wake up.

Me: Oh.

M: She jumped into bed with me just now when I was sleeping. Gave me a shock.

Me: So did you…

M: Nah. I gave up the bed and went out with Tom to wash his sheets.

Me: Right. I think she misses your cock too.

M: Fantastic.

Me: So what's for dinner?

M: Coffeeshop? Zhi char? Wanna go to that zhi char that EoS introduced?

Me: Sure.

T: Wanna get EoS? Or Mark?

Me: Can EoS even eat properly? He just had surgery.

T: Oh. Completely forgot about that.

Me: And don't forget we've got a naked girl in my bed. Probably need to feed her too.

T: She should be extremely hungry as well. Knocked out right after making me cum inside her more times than I imagined I could.

Me: Oh ya. You guys are making a baby.

M: What??

Me: You were dead to the world. I was watching them from the doorway.

T: And you didn't save me?

Me: Was I supposed to?

T: Hmmm. Guess not.

M: Wait dude, you're still married. I don't think you should be having a child with someone else.

T: She's on the pill. It was a hypothetical question.

M: Oh.

Me: Well Jasmine was on the pill. She secretly stopped and got pregnant.

T: Oh shit.

Me: Congrats.

T: Shit. Shit. Shit.

M: Hahahaha.

T: What's so funny?

M: She's obviously trolling you. I think.

T: And if she's not?

Me: Then you'll have a son or daughter in 9 months?

T: Argh.

Me: Hahahaha! You should see your face.

T: Don't play me like this.

Me: Well, you didn't stop her.

T: Was I supposed to?

Me: I don't know. That's your choice. And hers.

T: Damn.

Me: By the way, you're her second choice.

T: Huh?

Me: After Mark, you're her second choice.

T: Oh. How come though?

Me: Who knows? Good luck.

M: Please tell me I'm nowhere on her list.

Me: You're not single.

T: Neither am I.

Me: You're soon to be.

T: Damn.

Me: Eh. She likes you for some reason. Don't hurt her. Do you even like her?

T: Err… you know, honestly, I never expected anyone of that age to take any interest in me unless it was sexual. As for liking her, that's pretty subjective no?

Me: It's sexual for now. I think. I’ve been trying to get her to have a proper relationship. Instead of doing whatever we're doing.

T: Are there no guys around her age?

Me: For some reason, she prefers older men.

M: Daddy issues?

T: Woah. Really?

Me: Maybe? But if you're gonna date her if she asks, do it properly ok? No more of this.

T: Hmm. I think I can do that.

Me: But if you're just using her to fulfil your physical needs, then don't bother please. You'll just end up hurting her.

T: Right now she's using me to fulfil her physical needs no?

Me: Err…

T: Seems like double standards. Haha.

Me: Just don't hurt her.

T: I won't.

Me: You better not. Otherwise…

T: Otherwise?

Me: I'm torn la. If she wants to be with you, I've gotta give you up.

T: Oh.

I looked at Mike.

Me: If that happens, and I decide to find another FWB, will you be ok?

M: Yeah. But introduce him to me first. Don't go behind my back anymore.

T: I thought Mark is your new FWB?

Me: No. If he's going to be with Jasmine properly, he better stop this nonsense.

T: Haha. True. Shall I ask EoS if he's keen?

M: I don't mind if it's EoS. We already sort of know him. His cock should be sufficient for you. Haha.

Me: Haha! Sure sure. As if he'll agree.

T: You never know.

Me: Eh wait. Means you're considering a serious relationship with Alicia?

T: If she's serious, I will be serious too. But right now I feel she just wants to enjoy whatever she's doing.

Me: Then your divorce?

T: It's gonna happen anyway. Matter of time. Since it's uncontested, who knows, maybe it will be faster.

Me: Has it ever occured to you that if you're single, you'll probably be more havoc than you are right now?

T: You mean I'm gonna fuck around more?

Me: Yeah.

T: I've already got my hands full now, especially with Alicia. Doubt I can take on any more. Besides, everyone I'm sleeping with now is because of you.

Me: What the fuck. Don't pin this on me.

T: It's true. Without you, I'd never have the opportunity to meet any one of them. Except maybe April. Haha.

Me: Urgh. So if I never introduced you, I'd be the only one you're sleeping with now?

T: Most definitely.

Me: Oh well.

M: I'd probably only be sleeping with you too. And maybe April.

Me: Great. Probably shouldn't have done it then.

M: But it's fine. What's done is done. And I thought you were hungry?

Me: The hunger ran away. Replaced by self-reflection and despair.

M: What?

Me: Nothing. Just ignore me. Alicia needs to be fed too. Tom, go wake her up?

T: Alright. Give me 5 minutes.

Me: You need 5 minutes to wake her up?

T: In case she wants a quickie.

M: You need five minutes for a quickie?

T: Including a quick shower.

M: That's not enough time then.

T: Trust me. It is. Just do it while showering. Haha.

Me: Right. Go then.

He entered the master bedroom and to our surprise, he got Alicia dressed and out of bed in no time at all, and they emerged holding hands. It was kind of sweet, like how Mike and I returned to the chalet after chatting on the beach decades ago. No quickies or showers or quickie showers happened. It was a little concerning to see her puffy eyes, as though she'd been crying for an extended period of time. But she had a big smile on her face.

A: I'm confused, do I have a boyfriend now or a FWB?

Me: What do you want him to be?

A: I can't be dating a married man right?

Me: Yet, you're sleeping with one. Four if you count the others.

A: Oooo. Can I have four married boyfriends then?

Me: What?

A: Kidding. What's for dinner though? I'm starving.

Me: We're thinking of this zhi char place in Yishun EoS introduced to us.

A: Wah. That's at least 20 minutes away. My stomach would have digested itself by then.

T: We can always eat at the nearby coffeeshop.

A: Ok!

I sort of expected her to let go of Tom's hand but she did not, even hooking her arm around his and laying her head on his shoulder as we walked to the coffeeshop.

As I went to get drinks, the auntie was being nosey, asking if Alicia was my brother's girlfriend. I wanted to say that's my daughter and see her reaction. But I guess it would be too much.

In the end we just got simple dishes from the zhi char stall, one veg, two meats and one tofu with rice.

After dinner, I headed back home with Mike while Tom and Alicia went for a walk around the neighbourhood.

Shortly after, I received a text from Alicia.

A: I'm sorry. I don't want to take Tom away from you. But right now, he's a very good distraction for me.

I didn't know how to reply to that.

Me: Don't worry about it.

A: I don't know if Tom is actually boyfriend material though. But he's really good in bed.

Me: Don't define your relationships by sex alone.

A: Yeah. I know.

Me: Are you coming back?

A: Tom's sending me home to grab my stuff. Can I stay for the weekend at least? I don't want to be around Jasmine and Mark right now.

Me: Sure. Stay as long as you want.

I guess they could squeeze on the single bed. It would be more intimate anyway. Perhaps I should consider getting more sets of bedsheets otherwise we'd have to go to the laundromat daily.

Mike and I chilled on the sofa watching Netflix while waiting for them to return. It was really kind of hilarious. Alicia suddenly became the daughter we never had, based on age alone, and Tom was her much older boyfriend. If she really was my daughter though, I guess I'd not be supportive of that, especially since I was sleeping with him as well.
Old 08-12-2024, 01:09 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Mike and I chilled on the sofa watching Netflix while waiting for them to return. It was really kind of hilarious. Alicia suddenly became the daughter we never had, based on age alone, and Tom was her much older boyfriend. If she really was my daughter though, I guess I'd not be supportive of that, especially since I was sleeping with him as well.
that will be a very interesting situation 🤭
Old 08-12-2024, 10:23 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Thanks for the nice updates.
Old 08-12-2024, 10:24 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Hope to read more.
Old 08-12-2024, 07:23 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Thanks for is coming up…bet you are going for sexcation overseas
Old 10-12-2024, 04:25 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Sounds so sad
Old 11-12-2024, 03:35 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Very good story, support.
Old 12-12-2024, 08:10 AM
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Re: My boring story...

The rest of the weekend was as normal as a normal weekend could be, with the exception of Alicia suddenly hanging around. Suddenly, the only female having tons of sex in the house wasn't me but Alicia, with Tom of course. Mike wisely steered clear for previously mentioned reasons. Listening to them go at it nearly the entire weekend with breaks for food and showers was pretty hilarious, yet somewhat irritating. I was really impressed though, that Alicia managed to get Tom off the computer, so much so that even Mike decided not to continue playing, and hang out with me on the sofa instead. So maybe having Alicia around wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Monday back at work was also Mark's first day back. I wondered how he was coping, having stepped down from a managerial role back into a senior executive. At least he didn't have a Rebecca hounding him for sex anymore since she was already occupied with Nick. I guess no longer being the only somewhat available guy in the office would be good for him. Then again, what if Jasmine returned to work as well and somehow Nick caught her eye too? Not that I was assuming she was that sort, but she was technically single now, and free to pursue a relationship with whoever.

I managed to catch him during lunch and luckily we managed to get a seat. I thought maybe he would want to eat with Kate and Shirlyn or even Rebecca, but somehow he agreed to meet me. I wasn't particularly hungry so I just got a wanton mee while Mark got Nasi Lemak.

M: I'm sorry.

Me: Huh? For what?

M: For having sex with you.

Now I was really confused.

Me: I didn't say no, did I?

M: No. But I feel like I forced you into it.

Me: Did you?

M: I think so. I just wanted to feel something different.

Me: So you raped me with consent? Hahaha.

M: That doesn't sound accurate.

Me: Of course it doesn't. I enjoyed it too ok?

M: Still probably shouldn't have.

Me: Why are you telling me this now though?

M: We can't have sex anymore.

Me: And?

M: Somehow I feel like I took your virginity then now I'm dumping you.

Me: Hahahahaha! What?

Maybe I laughed a little too loudly as the diners at the couple of tables around us actually turned to look our way despite the relatively noisy ambience of the food centre.

M: I used you for sex?

Me: Erm. Ok. I really enjoyed it though. After so long of teasing each other, it finally happened.

M: You're ok with it right?

Me: The sex or the no-more sex?

M: No more.

Me: Of course I'm ok with it. In fact I'm glad that you're trying to have a proper relationship with Jasmine.

M: Well…

Me: Well what?

M: We're not getting back together. Me and Jasmine. Not yet.

Me: Huh? You spent like the whole weekend with her right?

M: We did.

Me: I'm gonna assume you had sex.

M: We did.

Me: Then what's going on?

M: Breakup sex?

Me: Huh???

M: She says she thinks she isn't ready for us. She doesn't know when she'll be ready. She made a mistake getting pregnant, she thought it would bring us closer. But she felt it was quite one-sided.

Me: What do you mean?

M: I'm not so sure either. But she said I seemed to be more excited than her.

Me: Huh? Like how is that a bad thing?

M: I really don't know.

Me: But you still had sex with her nearly the whole weekend?

M: Yup.

Me: And how was it?

M: It was great. It was great with you too. The emotional aspect of it especially.

Me: It's great but it's not going to continue? You're seriously confusing me.

M: I'm kind of confused too. But we had a very long chat about it.

Me: So we're no longer going to have sex because?

M: She says I should be with someone who is ready to be with me, properly.

Me: Oh yeah. I'm obviously not on that list. But hasn't everyone been telling you the same thing???

M: I guess I needed to hear it from her.

Me: You're such an ass.

M: I know.

Me: So anyway… what I really wanna know is…

M: What?

Me: Was the baby yours?

M: I guess so. She says she really didn't sleep with anyone else during that period. Even if she did, then it's either Darren's, Tom's, Mike's or Jason's.

Me: What the fuck.

M: In no particular order. I'm just naming the guys I know she slept with before.

Me: Right.

M: Doubt it's Darren though. He always uses condoms.

Me: I really don't wanna know now. But Tom and Mike supposedly use condoms too.

M: Then it's Jason's. Hahaha. Or EoS.

Me: You're surprisingly chill about this.

M: How else am I supposed to be?

Me: Do I need to remind you what happened weeks ago?

M: Ah. No need. That was just me being immature.

Me: Indeed. Glad you realised. So what now?

M: I don't know. I need to prove my worth at work.

Me: Besides that. A proper relationship. Shirlyn?

M: I can't do that. People will just say I slept my way to the top.

Me: Right, practically everyone there knows you and what everyone else is like. And the big plus point is, she likes you.

M: I know. But it's complicated.

Me: Alicia?

M: Well…

Me: Well what?

M: I think I've hurt her too much.

Me: You don't say.

M: I think she deserves to be with someone properly too.

Me: Uh huh.

M: But she sort of left home. Lucky Tom was there with her. Otherwise she might have run away to another country again.

Me: Right.

M: I think Tom's a nice guy. And he can definitely satisfy her sexual needs.

Me: I really don't think that's what she needs right now.

M: You never know.

Me: Then what about you? And your sexual needs?

M: I guess it's gonna be me and my hands.

Me: Hilarious. You're Alicia's first choice.

M: And she wasn't mine.

Me: Ouch. Don't let her hear that.

M: Trust me. She knows. We're still friends right?

Me: Uh yeah? I'm not gonna run away.

M: Just worried. I haven't been treating you right.

Me: Erm. I think you treated me the way you wanted to. And that's fine honestly. But you need to decide what you really want. Don't let go of a good thing.

M: And the good thing you're referring to is? Shirlyn? Alicia? You?

Me: I don't belong on your list please. I obviously wouldn't mind if you still wanted to have sex. Only you know what you really want.

M: Probably Ann.

Me: Huh? After the way she treated you?

M: Yeah. Without Ann, none of this would have happened.

Me: Really?

M: Might as well say Isabelle. If she didn't break up with me…

Me: You need to stop looking into the past.

M: I know. But sometimes you just think back and wonder what could have been.

Me: Only you can decide what you want.

M: You wanna have breakup sex too?

Me: Hahaha! Are you serious?

M: Nope. Just testing you.

Me: Idiot. I don't mind. But it's not gonna help your situation. How's work by the way?

M: It's fine. First day back nothing much to do actually. Kate's been fantastic.

Me: That's good.

M: And thank god Rebecca has a new distraction.

Me: Nick?

M: Yeah. Poor guy doesn't know what he's gotten himself into. Haha.

Me: Oh I'm pretty sure he does.

M: I actually thought he wasn't straight when I first saw him. Then Rebecca grabbed his ass in the pantry. Then I put two and two together.

Me: He's got really good skin. And a thick cock apparently.

M: Haha! Must be Rebecca's big mouth.

Me: Yup. Pretty sure it's been there on numerous occasions.

M: You know what I mean.

Me: Of course.

M: Anyway, I gotta head back soon. We'll catch up again next week?

Me: Sure. You coming over this weekend to unload your pent up sexual frustrations into me?

M: Hahaha. I've got my hands. Don't worry.

Me: Nothing beats a female. You've got Shirlyn and Alicia to choose from. Don't give up on a good thing yeah?

M: I'll see how things go.

Me: Take care Mark.

M: You too June.

We went our separate ways after lunch. I hope Mark would make the right choice eventually. Or at least, not hurt anyone anymore, be it unintentionally or otherwise.
Old 12-12-2024, 12:42 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Whether Mark will hurt or be hurt, or whether he will really know what he wants and not want, only him and time will tell.
He's really bad in managing relationship. Either try to please everyone or suddenly MIA and not contactable.
He seriously needs to grow up and be a sensible adult before he loses everyone that really cares about him, not many of them though.
Also, get his ass out of Ann's house, even moving back to his parent's is better than leeching in Ann's house. Who's he? Still a toy boy or FWB of hers?
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Last edited by junior_cannibal; 14-12-2024 at 05:10 PM.
Old 12-12-2024, 01:27 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Whether Mike will hurt or be hurt, or whether he will really knows what he wants and not want, only him and time will tell.
He's really bad in managing relationship. Either try to please everyone or suddenly MIA and not contactable.
He seriously needs to grow up and be a sensible adult before he loses everyone that really cares about him, not many of them though.
Also, get his ass out of Ann's house, even moving back to his parent's is better than leeching in Ann's house. Who's he? Still a toy boy or FWB of hers?

Mark is the legal guardian of Ann's kids if something happens to her. Seems damn weird though. They're all adults already. Probably don't need him.
Old 13-12-2024, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Whether Mike will hurt or be hurt, or whether he will really knows what he wants and not want, only him and time will tell.
He's really bad in managing relationship. Either try to please everyone or suddenly MIA and not contactable.
He seriously needs to grow up and be a sensible adult before he loses everyone that really cares about him, not many of them though.
Also, get his ass out of Ann's house, even moving back to his parent's is better than leeching in Ann's house. Who's he? Still a toy boy or FWB of hers?
Mark or Mike (June husband)
Old 14-12-2024, 10:10 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by creght View Post
Mark or Mike (June husband)
It's a typo la.
Old 14-12-2024, 04:22 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Sis June

I am curious something that you have met Alicia and Alan, am wondering whether you have met Ann and Amanda and what is your impression of them if you meet them at Ann,s house when you visit Mark
Old 14-12-2024, 04:54 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Mark is the legal guardian of Ann's kids if something happens to her. Seems damn weird though. They're all adults already. Probably don't need him.
Ann is sure one weirdo too.
Didn't she not know Mark's own life is a mess? She acutally thought he can look after her children?
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Old 15-12-2024, 11:58 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by creght View Post
Sis June

I am curious something that you have met Alicia and Alan, am wondering whether you have met Ann and Amanda and what is your impression of them if you meet them at Ann,s house when you visit Mark
Mark was alone at home when I visited. I've never met anyone else so not much impression other than from what I read from his story.

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Ann is sure one weirdo too.
Didn't she not know Mark's own life is a mess? She acutally thought he can look after her children?
Come to think of it, I'm sure she contributed to the mess as well.
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