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Old 06-04-2006, 03:22 PM
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Talking Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by taurus75
Yo GeneralSCD....Drop by and give some advice on anything relating Thailand hor...!

Hi Bro,

had been following the 2 Hatyai thread since mid last year, of course more on the 1 by tv since this thread was started late 2005.

i had been to hatyai at least 5 times last year and although i had posted some queries on hatyai on tv's thread, i had never met tv b4 and had never once requested any assistance from him.

1 thing i don't understand is that there are bros who had visited hatyai again and again and again but still required "some" assistance from tv. hatyai isn't a very big place and there seriously isn't much thing u can do over there and even there is plenty of things and places to occupy times, i believe most of the time are spent in the hotel room.

well there isn't any harm looking up tv for a drink or kopi but things like booking of hotel, taxi and mei-mei also need to go through him, isn't it a bit too much?? and i had come across bro who paid 2,3000bahts for a mei-mei ( arrange by tv ) when so far the higher i ever paid is 1500bahts. what then is the differences between letting the tuk-tuk take commission and the higher rate paid? haven't we all been advised on how to shake off the tuk-tuk and saved up the commission. if these bros are to pay more attention to the surrounding during their hatyai trip, then they would probably be paying lesses for their next trip.

maybe or probably the "special-service" provided by tv is "FOC", but "FOC" everytime, i think not. after all these years of working and cheonging, i know that there is no such thing as "FOC". everything comes at a price, not now maybe but could be in future. we call it "seeding".

so i do understand why General is so "pissed" with the thread by tv and i seriously hope he don't take it too personal.

bro General, we are all out to cheong and have fun. some ppl preferred to pay a premium for their shares of fun while others knows that having the same shares of fun doesn't need to burn that amount of bahts.

and i believe we who come to this thread are the 2nd type and i hope we can cheong in style, have fun and still have bahts for a long long time to go.

may peace be with you and as the army teach - cheong all the way
Old 06-04-2006, 06:27 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by blues_38sg
Hi Bro,

may peace be with you and as the army teach - cheong all the way
thanx for the pointer..brudder. always up to any brudder thinking of how they wanna cheong..

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i think we should heed KLKOOL's words hor...
Old 06-04-2006, 06:29 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by sexy rabbit
Hi Bro TSH, YSH, SSH, DK and.... any LIVE report or not??
when they are having live firing..dun think they have the time for live reporting
Old 07-04-2006, 03:45 PM
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Re: FR on my HDY Trip last week

[QUOTE=cyberliberal]This is my first time writing FR, so pls forgive me if it is no no good...

On hte whole a very sextifying 3 days trips for all of us.


Hey bro cyberlib,

Now then u post ur FR. It was great fun rite. U damn lucky, managed to find a good one to keep u company for the 2 nights. For me and bro M, got to find another syt as the first one wasn't dat good. The second syt dat we pick @ chanivite was not bad, 1500 bht only somemore the end i tip her 500 but..but too bad 1 nite hen hav to go home liao....

Yes kelvin and his famous guangdong mee is damn shiok...and talking him was fun and interesting. Good juicy stories of the waitresses...Ok i am checking up on mid-May too and bro M can confirm if we all go together, so now ball is in ur court liao.

Old 08-04-2006, 07:48 AM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

I am going to Hatyai this weekend to partake in the Songkran water festival. This would be my 4th time this year.
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Old 08-04-2006, 07:52 AM
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Re: FR on my HDY Trip last week

Originally Posted by cyberliberal
Btw if u r there, must go try the noodle store opposite Merlin hotel, the owner is name is Kelvin, he noodle call guangdong mian is damn superb

I will be going up this wekend for the Water festival and will definately visit Kevin (opp Merlin Hotel,) beside Wan ton mee is my favourite
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Old 08-04-2006, 08:54 AM
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Re: FR on my HDY Trip last week

Originally Posted by cyberliberal
Tks bro taurus75 for upping my point. Damn miss hdy now, thought of booking for another trip up again in mid-May.

Btw if u r there, must go try the noodle store opposite Merlin hotel, the owner is name is Kelvin, he noodle call guangdong mian is damn superb and he seems quite liao jiao there also, can provide insider info on anything in hatyai regarding puying. Seem like he is also quite close to some of the waitress in hte cafe call deep point at sikimyoung, told me some interestin stories about them too. After 5pm, he will sell his buk ku teh.

thanks again bro for ur points.

yah..i heard this noddle shop from teevee. yet to try it out .
thanx for the info brudder
Old 08-04-2006, 08:57 AM
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Re: FR on my HDY Trip last week

Originally Posted by nanog69

Hey bro cyberlib,

Now then u post ur FR. It was great fun rite. U damn lucky, managed to find a good one to keep u company for the 2 nights. For me and bro M, got to find another syt as the first one wasn't dat good. The second syt dat we pick @ chanivite was not bad, 1500 bht only somemore the end i tip her 500 but..but too bad 1 nite hen hav to go home liao....
1500B is the normal price dude.
good FR! thanx brudder
Old 08-04-2006, 09:07 AM
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Bonking rates for Thai puyings

Originally Posted by taurus75
1500 B is the normal price dude.
1,500 bahts is the normal rate ???

I thought that bros used to pay 2,000 bahts to 3,000 bahts if someone bring them to the farms to book the puyings ???
Old 08-04-2006, 09:10 AM
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Re: Bonking rates for Thai puyings

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69
1,500 bahts is the normal rate ???

I thought that bros used to pay 2,000 bahts to 3,000 bahts if someone bring them to the farms to book the puyings ???
i even got myself a 1000B (not from CNV/SKY) last time..service and skill level is the same ...
Go explore yourself brudder..see the world...or bite the dust yrself.
errr..speaking of bite.. u mend yr tooth liao bo? xoctuna la
Old 08-04-2006, 01:15 PM
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Bonking rates for Thai puyings

Originally Posted by taurus75
i even got myself a 1000B (not from CNV/SKY) last time..service and skill level is the same ...
Go explore yourself brudder..see the world...or bite the dust yrself.
errr..speaking of bite.. u mend yr tooth liao bo? xoctuna la
Bro Taurus75,

So, it is better to recee and book your own puyings direct from the "Farms" instead of going thro' the OKTs, tut-tut drivers and self-appointed "Tourist Guides" ? Cheaper this way and can even get 1,000 bahts puyings ?

Thank you for your concern about my "missing" teeth. In fact I lost two teeth to the Hatyai Tigress - damn fierce and wild on the bed but worth every baht paid. I had already made a denture (comprising 2 teeth) but seldom use it as it is very uncomfortable and not natural to wear it.

I wonder how many Samsters had bonked the Hatyai Tigress after me - very quiet on this matter ; looks like nobody dare to 'challenge' her to a 'fight'
Old 08-04-2006, 04:34 PM
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Re: Bonking rates for Thai puyings

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69
Bro Taurus75,

I wonder how many Samsters had bonked the Hatyai Tigress after me - very quiet on this matter ; looks like nobody dare to 'challenge' her to a 'fight'
simply call me taurus la..brudder.
yeah.."the tigeress..." but i wont try her la..
i still prefer to be the tiger for puyings..
have a ncie weekend man.
Old 08-04-2006, 05:45 PM
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Re: Hatyai 1 2 3 4


Old 09-04-2006, 06:12 PM
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Re: Bonking rates for Thai puyings

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69
1,500 bahts is the normal rate ???

I thought that bros used to pay 2,000 bahts to 3,000 bahts if someone bring them to the farms to book the puyings ???
Reporting live from HDY, Booking rates @ SKY and Channivate is 1500 - 2000 baht. Some girls that jus strated work quoted at 2500 baht. Songkran is already started so there is a shortage of girls. Will post full FRs and detailed report when i m back home. PL also short of gers, as is CP4... SC gers are chio, but not worth 5k baht/ although ST 2.5k is tempting.
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Old 09-04-2006, 06:35 PM
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Re: Bonking rates for Thai puyings

Originally Posted by KLKOOL
Reporting live from HDY, Booking rates @ SKY and Channivate is 1500 - 2000 baht. Some girls that jus strated work quoted at 2500 baht. Songkran is already started so there is a shortage of girls. Will post full FRs and detailed report when i m back home. PL also short of gers, as is CP4... SC gers are chio, but not worth 5k baht/ although ST 2.5k is tempting.
hi Bro cool, so fast arrived @ Hatyai....thanks for your hospitality when we are in KL last week. Hope to receive you in sg soon...

Enjoy...and bonk more gals for me.....shout my nick "Popiah, here i cum"

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