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Old 03-12-2018, 07:01 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

For those who been to Tobita Shinchi before, do they accept Chinese guy who can't speak Japanese like me? Or will they accept me but give me a non Japanese girl instead?
Old 05-12-2018, 12:55 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by bitcomet View Post
If we don't get to choose, how do we know the girls is actual Japanese girl and not fake Japanese?
Firstly, don't trust any random gaijins on which girls are "surely" japanese unless you really trust their judgement skill.

second, learn japanese. once you're relatively fluent, you can tell what is natural sentence and unnatural local jap. just like when you watch tv you can tell american from british from singaporean etc

third, living there. more exposure the more you know.

but.... to be honest. I see a lot of gaijin post raving reviews about "japanese" WL and say how japanese WL are their favourite. checked out their profile/ messaged, definitely not japanese lol. but in their ignorance they were happy that had a good session with a jap. so... does it really matter to you if they were fake jap if you can't tell anyway?
Old 05-12-2018, 06:04 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Hi guys, I'll be in Tokyo from 20th-25t before heading off to Hong Kong.
Just passing by and travelling alone, can't speak Japanese unfortunately but happy to catch up if anyone wants.
Up for anything!
Old 10-12-2018, 07:13 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by bitcomet View Post
For those who been to Tobita Shinchi before, do they accept Chinese guy who can't speak Japanese like me? Or will they accept me but give me a non Japanese girl instead?
all r japan girls . ha ha . u gt to choose .
Old 10-12-2018, 07:54 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by wayhay View Post
Firstly, don't trust any random gaijins on which girls are "surely" japanese unless you really trust their judgement skill.

second, learn japanese. once you're relatively fluent, you can tell what is natural sentence and unnatural local jap. just like when you watch tv you can tell american from british from singaporean etc

third, living there. more exposure the more you know.

but.... to be honest. I see a lot of gaijin post raving reviews about "japanese" WL and say how japanese WL are their favourite. checked out their profile/ messaged, definitely not japanese lol. but in their ignorance they were happy that had a good session with a jap. so... does it really matter to you if they were fake jap if you can't tell anyway?
How do you tell they are not Japanese from message? No point getting fake jap when you can get them cheaper in your own country.
Old 13-12-2018, 12:44 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by TBonez View Post
I will be in Japan in Dec as solo trip. (19 to 28)
Any bros there during same period can meet up if schedule permits, please pm me. Cheers.
Would have book ticket and join u should i saw this post earlier haha
Old 13-12-2018, 06:28 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Any bros will be at tokyo on the 17th - 23rd?
Or is there anyone who can recommend good / trusted stable for outcall to hotel.
will be going there on a business trip.
I am looking at THC, NightVenus.
Respect/Rep given to bros who deserve it.
Happy Bonk-ing

Old 25-12-2018, 08:15 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by freeleyluke View Post
Nice.. One of my fave jav actress.. how to ctc??
ya, please share.
Old 26-12-2018, 05:47 AM
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Originally Posted by bitcomet View Post
How do you tell they are not Japanese from message? No point getting fake jap when you can get them cheaper in your own country.
Because I learnt Japanese and lived there for a bit. It’s a difficult language to learn, so that’s why you can tell it’s a fake from native when you talk or message. There was one time the agent messaged for her. When we met, it’s pretty obvious to me she was fake. Maybe China. But refuses to admit. Obviously I said walked out lol
Old 27-12-2018, 02:22 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Could anyone please provide a clear review about THC?
Yes, I saw some reviews.. on TER and here but not from a member you can actually trust. Staff from THC posts messages and fake reviews in my opinion.
Old 27-12-2018, 03:27 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by KeanuR View Post
Could anyone please provide a clear review about THC?
Yes, I saw some reviews.. on TER and here but not from a member you can actually trust. Staff from THC posts messages and fake reviews in my opinion.
Could you please link us to the fake reviews so we can remove them? We don't post any fake reviews as it isn't needed.

Thank you
Old 27-12-2018, 09:50 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by tfk333 View Post
Spent my last night in Tokyo in a high class soapland yesterday.

Overall, if you are in Tokyo, do try The soaplands and go for a higher class one as the girls are guaranteed to be younger and looks better. As for JAV idols, I will say to try if your pockets are deeper
Actually this might be hit or miss.

Some of the high-end soaps especially in Yoshiwara are expensive for the 'no-skin'/bareback option. Soaps that fall into this category would like Giardino, Makeup, Ailedore...Generally yes the women are hotter than what you would find at a 30k yen soap but unfortunately the scale is not exponential. It might be nice to creampie a japanese girl to fulfil our AV ambitions but I feel that the price you pay does not justify the premium sometimes.

Giardino and Makeup have JAV stars, as do Landmark and Hisyo. I know that majority of them do accept foreigners from my own personal experience and that the price is the same usually unless otherwise stated- usually 80k yen for 120mins.

Sora from Makeup is very accepting of foreigners, and the tout there speaks basic english so you guys can give it a shot.
Old 01-01-2019, 11:53 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Just wanna share my experience for my last visit to this Soapland last month in Tokyo. For those who can speak basic/sufficient Japanese, you can try this shop.

{external link removed - edited by mod}

Been to this shop a few times over the years. I just called the shop and spoke to the staff to inquire whether they got any lady that can accept any "half". And yes, I can speak Japanese quite well as I hv stayed and worked in Japan for a few years in the past.

Went to the same quiet spot in a corner at the red light district area in Ikkebukuro (west side) and walk down the stairs and entered the shop. The "hidden" staircase is actually just besides a 案内所 which is advertising for another shop. I actually bluffed that I'm a half and is of mixed SG Chinese (pls dun say China) and Japanese and just asked which gal is ok. Out of the 8 photos, the staff removed 6 and left with 2 photos. Chose the one who looked slimmer to me and paid JPY 28,000 for 90min session. Of coz, I have explained to the staff that I have been to several Soapland before and know the "system" (rules and procedures) very well.

Spoke to the lady in Japanese throughout the session. She is a native Japanese who has previously dated a bf from Taiwan and as such can accept half like me. Shall not describe the details but I enjoyed my full course (FJ is to be expected for Soapland) with her.

Been to this shop a few times in the past. If u can speak Japanese relatively well and bluffed that u are a half, u might be able to get through the door. Sad to say but when a local Japnaese meet a Chinese, their first impression is that you are from mainland China and they will straight away say no to u. So, just say u are a mixed of Singapore Chinese and Japanese. The staff will then check with the individual ladies to see anyone of them can accept. And I'm dressed in full suit like the local salaryman as I came there straight from a business meeting. If u wanna bonked their local ladies, u hv to dress and act like their local man to increase your chance to get pass the door.

In case u may wonder, yes I do get rejected at other soaplands in Tokyo too. Haha.

Good luck and hv fun!

Last edited by Hurricane88; 01-01-2019 at 12:53 PM.
Old 02-01-2019, 02:45 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by d0n0b View Post
Just wanna share my experience for my last visit to this Soapland last month in Tokyo. For those who can speak basic/sufficient Japanese, you can try this shop.

{external link removed - edited by mod}

Been to this shop a few times over the years. I just called the shop and spoke to the staff to inquire whether they got any lady that can accept any "half". And yes, I can speak Japanese quite well as I hv stayed and worked in Japan for a few years in the past.

Went to the same quiet spot in a corner at the red light district area in Ikkebukuro (west side) and walk down the stairs and entered the shop. The "hidden" staircase is actually just besides a 案内所 which is advertising for another shop. I actually bluffed that I'm a half and is of mixed SG Chinese (pls dun say China) and Japanese and just asked which gal is ok. Out of the 8 photos, the staff removed 6 and left with 2 photos. Chose the one who looked slimmer to me and paid JPY 28,000 for 90min session. Of coz, I have explained to the staff that I have been to several Soapland before and know the "system" (rules and procedures) very well.

Spoke to the lady in Japanese throughout the session. She is a native Japanese who has previously dated a bf from Taiwan and as such can accept half like me. Shall not describe the details but I enjoyed my full course (FJ is to be expected for Soapland) with her.

Been to this shop a few times in the past. If u can speak Japanese relatively well and bluffed that u are a half, u might be able to get through the door. Sad to say but when a local Japnaese meet a Chinese, their first impression is that you are from mainland China and they will straight away say no to u. So, just say u are a mixed of Singapore Chinese and Japanese. The staff will then check with the individual ladies to see anyone of them can accept. And I'm dressed in full suit like the local salaryman as I came there straight from a business meeting. If u wanna bonked their local ladies, u hv to dress and act like their local man to increase your chance to get pass the door.

In case u may wonder, yes I do get rejected at other soaplands in Tokyo too. Haha.

Good luck and hv fun!
What about full Chinese from other places beside China?
Old 02-01-2019, 08:38 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by wayhay View Post
Because I learnt Japanese and lived there for a bit. It’s a difficult language to learn, so that’s why you can tell it’s a fake from native when you talk or message. There was one time the agent messaged for her. When we met, it’s pretty obvious to me she was fake. Maybe China. But refuses to admit. Obviously I said walked out lol

Agreed. The staff would be able to tell if customers are natives and likely removed some photos and left with a few to choose.
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