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Old 07-05-2013, 02:21 PM
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Recently had an appointment with a Viet girl. Booked a room for 2hrs at Geylang area.

After awhile she came in. We then started to converse but both her English and mandarin was half-past-six but still able to communicate. After awhile, she told me to pay first, so I did.

After about 5mins, she told me to shower so I said ok and started to walk towards the bathroom, but she just sat there not moving. Puzzled why so I ask if she was going to join me in the shower, she said no and showed me the hand signal to carry on myself. I told myself fine since pay already also no choice, so I went to shower myself.

After I am done, she then proceeded to shower. Then she just lie on the bed and did not do anything for at least 1min. Thus I started to arouse her like how normal men would do. But everytime I kiss her lips, she just remain nonchalant and totally no response, like kissing a block of wood. I then went down and suck her nipples also no response.

So try again and response still the same. I then went down to her pussy and wanted to finger but everytime want to go in she would just "clamp" her both legs together and turn away, so I totally give up. All she did was kiss and suck my nipple and play my "brother" abit, most also 50% hard.

I then ask her for BBBJ, only the tongue lick around the dickhead and the deepest it went was until the dickhead area and lasted for only around 3mins. Enough of these crap, I asked if she had CD. she then wore the CD for me but my "brother" was at most 50% hard, so had some difficulties putting it on. I then asked her if she wants to be on top but she looked at me like one kind and just simply lie on the bed, initiating missionary, so since came to this point already, also just carry on.

As my "brother" was only 50% hard, it was difficult to "put in". I tried several times but not able to. She then told me it was too soft and tried to play my "brother" which lasted about 2mins then indicating that her hand was tired already. By this point I totally gave up. I stopped and told her to rest first and we try again later, I then proceed to shower again.

She told me its her first time in SGP and just came in only 1 week ago, in my heart, I told myself damn unlucky kana a new girl. So she continue to just watch TV while I rest.

After about 30mins (already 90mins into the room time), I ask her if she was ready again and she nodded her head and we tried again. But to my dismay, THE PROCESS WAS THE SAME AS BEFORE (earlier mentioned).

I told her to get change and leave. She then went to shower to wash up, got change and left after that. Did not even say goodbye and just open the door and left.

For the whole session there was TOTALLY NO PENETRATION.
This is the services that the site claim to provide from the girl:
BBBJ, Frenching, Fingering, Painting, Bathing, Massage, Catbath, FJ
(direct copy and paste)
But was NEVER DELIVERED to the customer.
Old 07-05-2013, 10:31 PM
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Talking Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Found a youtube video for basic vietnamese language learner

Lesson 1 :
Troi oi a dep trai wa. Lol
Old 11-05-2013, 03:06 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by forgotoldnick View Post
Troi oi a dep trai wa. Lol
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Old 11-05-2013, 03:09 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Lesson 2:

Old 11-05-2013, 03:18 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Thank you for not smoking

Most Vietnamese people weren’t too enthusiastic when they heard the news that a smoking ban was on its way and you probably would not have noticed but it did actually take effect on May 1.

You may not also know that there is a long-time law against kids smoking aged under 18 and that cigarette advertisements are banned; laws that are rarely enforced and one of the reasons why many skeptics sniffed at the government’s plan to try and clean up the nation’s health and public areas once and for all.

You can’t blame this indifference to what seems like an applaudable effort to cut down the number of smokers in this cigarette-obsessed nation. They have heard it all before many times.

Most recently, a 2009 government decree banning smoking in public places was ignored with smoking in public still widespread and teenagers able to buy cigarettes at every shop nationwide. Enforcement was also weak with only 10 people fined for smoking in non-smoking areas in the province of Lao Cai, for example, since that ban was enforced.

Being a non-smoker myself I have some comforting news for cancer-stick addicts in that they need not be alarmed even if they feel they are being ushered out a side door for a quick smoke from their workplace or public building.

Smoking bans worldwide have occurred with little fuss despite the widespread hysteria in the build-up, and smokers’ fears of being ostracized from society and being made to feel second-class citizens were unfounded.

My own home city of Glasgow, Scotland was in a state of panic with many pubs and restaurants fearing they would have to close if they forced their regulars to head outside for a quick fag. However, they need not have got themselves into a pickle as creative landlords abided by the stringent regulations by extending their premises to include a small shelter for smokers to congregate outside, which protects them from the constant rain in Scotland but not the bitter cold that cannot be helped. Smokers tried to concentrate on the positives with some even saying that they met more interesting people standing in the smoking areas than they did inside the bars.

San Francisco, New York, London and even Glasgow adapted and there is no reason why Ho Chi Minh City and the rest of Vietnam can’t follow suit.

However, law enforcement agencies are still waiting for government guidance on how to implement the law, which was also a problem in the past.

The new regulation states that every cigarette packet has to have a warning image which is 50 per cent of the surface area and each firm has 6-10 months to comply and produce new packs with the warnings.

Smoking is totally banned in health and education units (schools and hospitals) and other public locations while air terminals and bus stations must reserve specific spaces for smokers. Regulating cigarette advertisements, promotion and funding will be another focus of the new law.

But cigarette vendors are just getting on with their job like before and claim they have not been informed about any changes in the smoking law.

It is about time something was done in Vietnam as the nation has 15 million smokers, which is 16.6 per cent of citizens and the 15th highest ranking worldwide. A recent survey showed that 70 per cent of women and half of all kids nationwide are exposed to cigarette smoke at home.

According to a recent Vietnamese health ministry report, smokers account for 48 per cent of male adults, down from 57 per cent earlier, while a mere 1.4 per cent of women now smoke compared to the previous 1.8 per cent.

However, there are still 40,000 casualties annually from cigarette-related diseases, a figure which is predicted to rise to 70,000 by 2030.

It is of course smokers’ own choice to fill their lungs with substances such as toxic chemicals, but now the days when they pass on their second-hand smoke to others without a choice hopefully are numbered.

The war to make all citizens wear motorcycle helmets was won and helped a reluctant nation save lives and the smoking ban will also eventually be won despite the macho cigarette reputation of Vietnam.

It does seem a positive move by the government but half-hearted attempts will not suffice this time. They have to go all the way and do not let the powerful tobacco companies put pressure on them to make concessions.

The nation’s health depends upon it.
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Old 11-05-2013, 03:27 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Lesson 3:

Old 12-05-2013, 01:20 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Lesson 4:

Old 13-05-2013, 03:00 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Lesson 5 Part 1:

Old 14-05-2013, 12:13 AM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

any bro can help me decipher this 2 message:

khong co khach, em muon ve nha som o w co gai qua?

em muon ve nha - she want to go home what is som ?

ang co gat em khong?

Old 14-05-2013, 02:06 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by icehippo View Post
khong co khach, em muon ve nha som o w co gai qua?

em muon ve nha - she want to go home what is som ?
Dun really understand the one highlighted in Blue. What did u say to her before this?

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Old 14-05-2013, 04:37 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by icehippo View Post
any bro can help me decipher this 2 message:

khong co khach, em muon ve nha som o w co gai qua?

em muon ve nha - she want to go home what is som ?

ang co gat em khong?

No customer, I wanto go back early. At ktv many gals here

Did u lie to me?
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Old 14-05-2013, 04:50 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by FireShark View Post
No customer, I wanto go back early. At ktv many gals here

Did u lie to me?
gat can be

gắt - to scold; to chide
gạt - to dupe; to beguile; to cheat; to take in

so in this context I guess is

anh co gat em khong?
Did u scold me?

or maybe she wanted to write

Anh co ghet em khong?
Did u hate me?

the above is just purely my guess...
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Old 14-05-2013, 05:49 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
Dun really understand the one highlighted in Blue. What did u say to her before this?

o "W" co gai qua...
now you understand?

when go there HH?
Old 14-05-2013, 05:52 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
gat can be

gắt - to scold; to chide
gạt - to dupe; to beguile; to cheat; to take in

so in this context I guess is

anh co gat em khong?
Did u scold me?

or maybe she wanted to write

Anh co ghet em khong?
Did u hate me?

the above is just purely my guess...
wrong guess... vb say "gat" only mean "xao"
i guess when vb say no customer wanna go back early, icehippo either reply that he will go find/fetch her
Old 14-05-2013, 11:15 PM
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Re: Tieng Viet lovers club

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
o "W" co gai qua...
now you understand?

when go there HH?
Is my translation correct?? At KTV many VBs right.
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