Hi dage, tks for the welcome. In these short 1yr plus, i have heard alot about you and your best bro. You guys are legends and also, biggest bastards in the scene. There is a love hate perspective that is prevalent everywhere you all conquered. People adore you two for your ability to score the best chicks on stage, and because you two always get the best, those who wanted initially have all their hopes dashed thus they hate your guts to their core. Ignore these people dage, they have made their case and bro xiaoge has already proven it beyond a benefit of a doubt. If they feel fighting for a whore is a way to make them proud, then let them fight their cause. We know in the end, when the whore finds another island to camp on, he will get his retribution and hopefully then, he will learn which side of the fence to be at. Take care dage, my advise, low profile
Originally Posted by xiaoge2011; pease fuck my mother!!!!!
many many thanks and welcome back to the forum. You have been my inspiration after i read and saw how you exposed and put everything together. I choose to stand in the light and will not allow myself to fall into the dark. I stand for right and won't stand for wrong. Yes, you are right. How many singers or joints loose income and they'll cry foul but they'll never say the cause of it all. How many patrons get con by singers and joints and walk away in silence and yet to be ridiculed by the singers and joints who collaborated to cheat them. I have learnt the art of roi is lower investment max returns, so if that means if i can get for free, that's the best anyone can get. Some people forgot what the night scene is about. They have thrown away the fact of the night scene is a dog eat world cheat eat cheat con eat con, the better one wins. Guess for this same 1 yr anniversary, it's still the same. Some whore or whores lost to some whore killer and cried to her new beau who is out to take revenge and gain back what? Nothing. Do keep posting bro, you have been missed by many bro's i'm sure. You have my utmost respect and admiration bro vellamoose. You are a legend of sbf already. Bros reading, maybe we should show our appreciation by upping bro vellamoose's points. I know i will. Have a good one senior
pls read your pm, i have passed you my number.
Bro xiaoge, i applaud you for your efforts.
I am around and never left neither have i really posted anything of late. After exposing last years incident, am I proud? Honestly, no, i am not. Do I feel great about it? I am not. But I learnt that friends must be made very carefully on or off the forum. What you have done so far, i see all the time in the night scene, men loosing all their senses and fighting for dignity & honour for whores, I feel very disgusted and sick about it. Anyways, well done, I will just read this thread and update myself for any new info. Cheers
Welcome back bro vellamoose. It's been a while since I heard from you
__________________ The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life:
1) 不要欺骗自己
2) 不要出卖自己
3) 不要背叛自己
4) 不要对不起自己
人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene
So nothing changes, content is recyled...
Another -300k plus to go, to get out of the flower hole.
One last singer, tried this on me.
a. Going back home, no money
b. Swears that she will pay me back.
c. Wants to lend 2k.
d. Asks me to send to her card...
e. Err, me never kissed her hands etc..not even see the color of her panties...
What did i do?
Turned over and went to bed, better things to do in the morning, than being a walking ATM.
Tired, absolutely tired from work, time is precious, too precious to worry about the feelings of SINGERS.
To all brothers, I wanted to share this story of friends and how friends react when big money comes their way.
I had a money making idea, that was all ready to execute, I had the vendor and the customer all lined up, all that was needed, was to get a company setup and to give some shares to a friend to run the co.
Friend A and B, comes together, hears my story...
Friend A says, i am ok to invest 20k for ten percent in your new start up.
Friend B says, i can be your front man, I will put in 5k and i only want 40%....
Yes, bros, you heard it right, 5k for 40%...
So for a part time job, to show face to organise a bit, he wanted 40% for 5k investment....
So i said no go.
The counter offer.
Still 25k in total, but they go down to 45% and for me to buy back 5% after 3 years, at nominal value...
I started to scratch my head, am i crazy...
So i said, no way...
Conincidentally i spoke to another friend...who tried to tell me not to partner with the other two friends.
He tried to convince me to use his company instead, when that failed and said, since your business do not need startup capital, i will not come up with any money, but i willing to run your business part time, whilst i run my other businesses, plus i need total control over the business, plus on who i hire etc.
He wanted twenty percent for zero investment, plus another ten percent at the end of
the first year, and also 5k to organise one project (maybe ten hours of admin work
His final offer, let me pay off other investors if any, and i want to have 50% 50% split.
Lets meet up tonight to finalise it..
I said, going to be busy, so i will contact you when i settle the preparation phase.
I revealed too much about the potential profits in my new startup, so all the people i spoke to were businessman smart, and also super ready to seize the day.
So if i had a startup that can clear XXX net profit in 6 months, why would i want to get partners in who treat me like an idiot...
So both set of friends decided that
F A, B. Invest 25k to get 40% of XXX in 6 months
F C. Invest ZERO to get 20% of XXX in 6 months, then 30 percent in two years and also to get 5k for handling.
My friends for the last 15 years, when i decided to share some potential wealth with them, what did they do?
They reached in for the kill and tried to extract the max benefit from me.
Morale of the Story...
Take Care of yourself first, your wife, your family...
Get rich first, before you even think about sharing potential wealth.
So my next conversation with the next person was...
Hi J, how are you doing recently, i got a short term project work for you.
You mean you are out of a job, and looking for a waiter position for 1.8k?
How about you help me for a few days in march.
I will pay you $1,500 upon successful completion of the project and if you perform well
I can make you a perm staff in the new company with CPF, salary not high, but you only need to work part time...
And potentially if the company does well, there is a potential bonus of 2 months at the end of the calender year.
This person was super grateful and for a pittance... no shares no big project fees, and was grateful...
Last edited by 花场Escapefrom; 25-02-2012 at 12:06 AM.
Reason: missy
To all brothers, I wanted to share this story of friends and how friends react when big money comes their way.
I had a money making idea, that was all ready to execute, I had the vendor and the customer all lined up, all that was needed, was to get a company setup and to give some shares to a friend to run the co.
Friend A and B, comes together, hears my story...
Friend A says, i am ok to invest 20k for ten percent in your new start up.
Friend B says, i can be your front man, I will put in 5k and i only want 40%....
.................................................. ..........
Conincidentally i spoke to another friend...who tried to tell me not to partner with the other two friends.
He tried to convince me to use his company instead, when that failed and said, since your business do not need startup capital............
I revealed too much about the potential profits in my new startup, so all the people i spoke to were businessman smart, and also super ready to seize the day.
So if i had a startup that can clear XXX net profit in 6 months, why would i want to get partners in who treat me like an idiot...
Bro ESC, 1st of all, Business is Business, Nothing Personal. Just like Kio Kway. There is some inherent risk to every business and no venture is 100% foolproof. Shareholders are not charitable organizations and it is only natural that they expects a ROI (in their opinion) which is fair and sufficient to provide for the risk in investing in your new venture.
Have a clear mind on how you want to start your venture and the direction to move forward. You are running in circles
Remember: You are not begging for money, you are proposing a business venture !
Last edited by Ichigo_Kurosaki; 25-02-2012 at 01:45 AM.
Bro ESC, in business, there is no such thing as friend.
When there's money to make, all the opportunist side of an individual will show.
So, in this lite, i am totally not surprised about what you encountered.
Just remember your biz model and if possible, then max only another partner and no more.
If you need silent investors, then its a diff story but at the end of the day, spell the investment amounts clearly, how much per unit share and how many investors are you prepared to open this venture to, what is the % returns each share lot is expected or projected to get within an XX time frame.
Leave no stone unturned if it's not gonna be a sole proprietorship.
As for someone fronting this biz, there are alot of folks out there who is willing to do it for a flat monthly salary with the market totally in the employers favour.
You can see many hints of those low end flower joint players sour about those who play high end joints
These are your potential candidates
Well, there are many seasoned businessmen in this forum, i can only share what i know based on what limited knowledge in biz i have
__________________ The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life:
1) 不要欺骗自己
2) 不要出卖自己
3) 不要背叛自己
4) 不要对不起自己
人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene
My friends for the last 15 years, when i decided to share some potential wealth with them, what did they do?
They reached in for the kill and tried to extract the max benefit from me.
I would like to point out that above statement is a fallacy cos it is partnership and friendship killers. It is best you venture alone without friends as partners
Originally Posted by 花场Escapefrom
So my next conversation with the next person was...
Hi J, how are you doing recently, i got a short term project work for you.
You mean you are out of a job, and looking for a waiter position for 1.8k?
A -How about you help me for a few days in march.
I will pay you $1,500 upon successful completion of the project and if you perform well
B -I can make you a perm staff in the new company with CPF, salary not high, but you only need to work part time...
And potentially if the company does well, there is a potential bonus of 2 months at the end of the calender year.
Work your maths and rework on your Point A and B. These are potential problems. I suggest you start him off on a sales commission and bonus schemes with an allowance for the few days work cos should you decided to "perm" him at a later stage, you will have rooms to maneuver with your "perm package". ....but....What's a perm and only work part time? You must not "perm" your revenue away with such generosity
Originally Posted by 花场Escapefrom
grateful and for a pittance... no shares no big project fees, and was grateful...
Grateful? Wait till you misses his pay check by a week, you will know whether it's grateful or a grapefruit? Good employer-employee relationship is like tango and it takes two to tango and two hands to clap
Last edited by Ichigo_Kurosaki; 25-02-2012 at 02:42 AM.
Re: LATEST: Wow latest for Obamarock withous the "S"
Where is this Hwang Cho you guys talking about?
Got throne there meh? Is it a chinese exhibition on thrones for the emperor's cousins? I thought they all quite useless ones, not even 2nd or 3rd tier, where got deserve thrones?