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Old 23-07-2015, 09:50 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Originally Posted by LeeHsienLoong View Post
You just have to move on.
Just like how she had moved on.
Advice taken..
Old 24-07-2015, 11:08 PM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Can't go wrong with Lisa, despite the price. Fantastic service, a big plus would be her limit of 5 customers daily. I believe that helps a lot in maintaining a high standard. She has been here for quite a while and has a great reputation. Highly recommended and I would definitely RTM.

And yes, I almost forgot to mention. Boobs
Old 26-07-2015, 10:10 AM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

As I continue my hunt for Venus replacement, I decided to try some old birds

IMHO, the look nothing resembles the photos (its blurred anyway, so judgement can only be a rough gauge). the tummy is a bit turned off. Have to discount 50%. The massage skill is there. I didnt go for the HJ since my bro didnt get a strong signal. She can chat with you thru-out the session.

For someone looking for good massage only.

Ah, she replid her messages all in english.

RTM: Not for me.
Old 26-07-2015, 10:12 AM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Originally Posted by johnnyo View Post

Can't go wrong with Lisa, despite the price. Fantastic service, a big plus would be her limit of 5 customers daily. I believe that helps a lot in maintaining a high standard. She has been here for quite a while and has a great reputation. Highly recommended and I would definitely RTM.

And yes, I almost forgot to mention. Boobs
Yes is good. Perhaps I find the location not too discreet with high human traffic.
Old 27-07-2015, 04:19 PM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Sage is coming here to work from 1 - 14 august!
Old 28-07-2015, 12:05 PM
zackon zackon is offline
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
Sage is coming here to work from 1 - 14 august!
1st time heard of her.. anyone tried?
Old 29-07-2015, 12:09 AM
saulgoodman saulgoodman is offline
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

hi bros, i'm a lurker new to this scene since early this year. here's my FR from april onwards. note that i'm not chinese, and i don't speak mandarin, and i use public transport.

late april 2015, weekday, 10am
120min (originally 90min but got gun jam), 2hj

Location: quite discreet, no nearby mrt, nearby bus stop, no fancy automatic elevators, gates, etc

Apartment: 7/10 clean, decent enough, stays alone, nice lighting, smoker but no issues with me

Face: 7/10 she never wear make-up so she looks different than the photo but quite ok. looks a bit older than photo

Body: 7/10 topless massage with panties. slim, a bit of belly, not for boobs lover

Massage: 9/10 awesome strength. she really knows her stuff

HDLY: 8/10 nice, very playful

Catbath: 7/10 licked my butt, back, shoulders, nips

HJ: 9/10 she's the most creative so far, switches positions (hug and lick your nips, lotus, standing, etc). not mechanical, played around with my balls, stuck her finger up my ass, etc. did not get tired when i failed to get off.

JG: was scared so I didn't try

Autoroaming: everywhere, but she stopped me when I tried to stick my fingers into her knickers. lol.

GFE: 7/10 she can speak simple english, and combined with gestures, it's not much of a problem. she's friendly, but a bit dao, maybe cos of language barrier or cos she got a cold that morning (apologized to me everytime she sneezes). she did try to make some small talk to me, which I really appreciated

pros: excellent massage, good attitude, willing to please, creative hj positions
cons: she shortchanged me for like 5min when I arrived but it's nothing serious

RTM. most likely, though I find the location annoying to get to

next up.. Jessie
Old 29-07-2015, 12:13 AM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

late May 2015, weekday, 8.30pm
90min, 2hj -1 cos I really gun jammed

Location: discreet, 10 min walk from MRT, but there's a stupid CCTV in front of the lift lobby. just hope your uncle is not the security guard

Apartment: 8/10 clean, nice music, good ambience, massage table. she don't stay alone though. saw a topless guy walking to his room when I was about to leave. it's ok though, she made sure I make my escape unseen

Face: 6.5/10 different hairstyle, her hair was frizzier. she has a pleasant MILF face, always smiling

Body: 6.5/10 wore a bodice with no panties during massage . standard milf body, slightly saggy boobs with eraser nips

Massage: 9/10 good hard massage

HDLY: 7/10 pretty ok

Catbath: did she catbath me? can't remember sorry. she did vigorously sucked the life out of my nipples while hj

HJ: 6/10 not bad lar. she allowed 69, but told me she's reluctant because she gets tired doing it on the massage table. I ate her pussy and it was wet and delicious and I promptly exploded. she gets tired at the end of the 2nd hj, and I exceeded my timing by 10 min though she just waivered it off, she did her best (even did a modified 69 where she don't have to crawl up the bed) but I just couldn't launch. we had a good laugh about it.

JG: she tried a bit asking me pain or not, i became a pussy so she stopped.

Autoroaming: everywhere. no digging n stay off the asshole. she says it's sensitive

GFE: 9/10 her english is so good, she passed off as a local. I'm usually the silent type, but she's so warm and friendly, we engage in a bit of conversation. not really a GFE but more of an old friend.

pros: excellent massage, warm and friendly attitude, good command of english (she's the best I've encountered), panties off

cons: hj department needs some improvement

RTM. hell yea..

next up.. Coco
Old 29-07-2015, 12:38 AM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

early June 2015, weekday, 9.30pm
90min, 2hj

Location: discreet, 7 min walk from MRT, there's a guardroom that leads to the elevator to the unit but they won't bother you. I just hate pressing the buttons to use the elevator

Apartment: 6/10 very clean, it's a small cubicle in an office unit. she has to whisper to me cos her ML friend is sleeping in the next cubicle. anyway the bathroom is outside, and the place is really dark at night but has a nice ambience and music

Face: 6.5/10 milf face but very cfm

Body: 6.5/10 wore a bodice during massage. meaty, and nice big boobs

Massage: 9.5/10 really excellent massage. i got a backache she took care of it and I feel really refreshed after the session

HDLY: 9.5/10 requested this when starting for 2nd hj. told her to go slow cos I almost explode. she owns your dick.

Catbath: she sucked my nips and licked my back here and there

HJ: 8/10 she can take everything off during hj. did a 69 for 1st hj, ate her pussy and it was good, ate it till I explode. I was depleted for the 2nd time but her JG and HDLY woke my 2ic up and I tried my best to shoot. She got tired so I took over and she sucked my nips and played with my balls till I explode so much she has to cover my face. no kidding. I was shocked too.

JG: tried for the 1st time. was painful but it helped me shoot out

Autoroaming: everywhere

GFE: 9/10 her english is pretty ok. She's really friendly, smiles a lot, and can be naughty at times, keeps whispering to my ear so as not to wake her sleeping friend next cubicle. she really made me horny

pros: excellent massage, really cfm flirty attitude, panties off

cons: she double-booked me and she apologized and asked me to go somewhere have some coffee and wait for 1 hour, she'll sms me when she's done. her unit is not really private

RTM. you'd be crazy not to. be sure to remind her again in the day if you booked her the previous night.

next up.. Eva
Old 29-07-2015, 07:22 AM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Nice MRs bro. Coco stay in an office cubicle???

I'm yet to try her and Jessie. Want to try Paris as well. No time/money these days!
Please support my thread and up my points if you like "Favourite English speaking Massage Girls".

Venus RTC

Google Translate worthy (non-English speaking but totally worth the effort):
Yang Yang RTC
Miqi back for limited time only!
Old 29-07-2015, 09:54 AM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Originally Posted by ChillNRelax View Post
Nice MRs bro. Coco stay in an office cubicle???

I'm yet to try her and Jessie. Want to try Paris as well. No time/money these days!
Thx bro.. correction sorry, it's an office unit with a couple of small cubicle-like rooms probably like the ones they have in spas (I've never been to a spa before, I assume they look like that), not those cubicles with desk and computers

plus point forgot to mention - she has a proper massage table

heres my MR on Eva

mid July 2015, saturday 10am, 60min 2 hj

Location: not discreet at all, no nearby MRT, building unit in front of bus stop. the entrance (automatic gate, must press numbers one) to the building is facing the main road with showrooms around so make sure you don't have friends working around that area

Apartment: 7/10 clean, nobody around, massage table available. showers attached to the room

Face: 6/10 her pictures were shot at a nice angle, not really pretty irl, but ok lar, can tahan

Body: 6.5/10 wore bra and thongs during massage. will go topless durring hj. really nice body with C-cups

Massage: 6.5/10 meh, one hour not enough. some good moves and some redundant stuff (I'm no massage expert but she did several pointless shoulder pressings)

HDLY: 8/10 pretty good, lots of teasing

Catbath: she licked a bit here and there nia.. my nips also

HJ: 6.5/10 SOP but ok la. no 69, must top up. managed to make me cum twice. her moaning is fake, but still ok. she keep on saying 'wow, wah, ooh' and falsely expressed surprise and wonder after ejaculation. not a turnoff, but weird as hell

JG: its painful, but it did helped me discharge for 2nd round

Autoroaming: touch everywhere even with panties on

GFE: 7.5/10 her english is ok. She's friendly, smiles a lot and teases you now and then

BJ: 6.5/10 with caps on. more tugging than sucking, around 5 min then she remove cap and resume hj

pros: nice boobs, nice attitude, BJ option (can't find any for english speaking ones)

cons: smsed her I wanted 90 min, she forgotten about it and apologized says another bro booked after me, so I have to settle for 60. next time I think I must make it clearer. furthermore I didn't suck her boobs cos of the MRs saying she dislike those, so I didn't, don't wanna ruin the chemistry

RTM. maybe lar, 90 min should be better. I came twice, left a happy man, so its not that bad
Old 29-07-2015, 12:22 PM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Thanks bro for the FRs..
Old 29-07-2015, 09:16 PM
saulgoodman saulgoodman is offline
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

sorry for flooding bros.. my final MR before i take a long break..

QQ/Sha Sha

late July 2015, weekday 8pm, 60min 2 hj (-1, I no appetite)

my worst ML experience. stated on bro javabean's compilation that she speaks english. she replied to my english sms with address and 'ok'. she can't even speak a single word of english or understand any. I was actually 15 min late when I arrived, and she was not alone in the unit. after showering alone, I told her I wanted 90min, she blur, i typed for her on my hp then she nodded. note that I smsed her in the morning stating I want 90min.

wasted 5min interrupting the session by going to the door and speaking to her fellow ML from next room and during the hj session she keeps playing with her phone on 1 hand. one time she even on loudspeaker and chat with her friend for a while. she was colder than ice to me, never even bother to communicate with me, and when I asked her if she understand english, she ignored me. whole time she barely look at my face.

When she turned me over after a short massage and I was quite shocked. typed for her '90min?' she typed back '60'. I was like wtf, I brought two $50 notes, she sees my wtf face then she garbled in chinese pointing maybe to her ML friend past the door. She hj me so fast I swear she will pull my cock out if i never stop her. I halted her service, showered and paid her. she was kind enuff to return me $10 change cos that's all she have.

Location: annoying to get to, no nearby MRT, around 5 min walk from the nearest bus stop. around private housing area, quiet and discreet, unless your friend lives there.

Apartment: 5/10 no massage bed, no music, not staying alone, but showers is attached to room

Face: 7/10 same as pic, just remove her eyeliner and lipstick. quite ok for a milf

Body: 5/10 wore bodice, bra and panties during massage. slim build, but her small boobs are saggy. did not take out her bra until i asked her to during hj

Massage: 5/10 she pressed for time

HDLY: none

Catbath: none

HJ: 1st hj more mechanical than R2D2. keeps playing with her phone.

JG: 1 min

Autoroaming: she lets me touch around and suck her boobs, but looks disterested. maybe even pissed

GFE: 0/10 was she pissed because I was late? or that I can't speak chinese? she seems annoyed during 1st hj when I tried to hug her. she's not even looking at me the whole time.

RTM: might as well i sit on osim massage chair and surf xhamster on my iphone. NO.

maybe chinese-speaking bros can have better experience with her? I dunno. I left that place pretty pissed off. wasted my time and $90
Old 29-07-2015, 10:56 PM
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Smile Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Originally Posted by saulgoodman View Post
Thanks for good MR bro.. I visited her a week back and will put up my comments later, but broadly concur. She photographs extremely well.
Old 30-07-2015, 06:36 AM
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Re: Favourite English speaking Massage Girls

Had tried Eva and the service was great. She worked and tried hard to please me because i took a bit of time to release. Later she complete with a good massage. Was able to auto roam everywhere
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