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Old 30-06-2006, 12:54 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by juggernutt
ACmilan...why do you have problem with history? Didnt they teach you in school that history can be important? You can't live in the future if you disregard the past. And what has the war in iraq and oilprice to do with the price of pussy?!? Is that what the gal at RB1 told you why her pussy was so expensive?price of oil
Some is inflation, but the main reason why the gals at RB1 can charge such high prices, is because they are extremely popular with the Japanese. Just check around when you get there. Alot of japanese clientele. And these are the prices the japanese are prepared to pay.

Anyway when I am talking about "ancient" time...I was hoping for some input from oldtimers or experienced thailand/BKK mongerers. I mean there should be plenty of more experienced mongerers than me here.
Here is a lil BKK nightlife history 101 the beginning of time patpong was the most popular nightspot in BKK. It became touristy and the prices became higher and higher. So the more knowledgble mongerers etc start going to NEP and it became popular. right now it's just as welknown as patpong back in it's heyday with prices to match. Maybe history is repeating it self and now the action is starting to move Soi Cowboy?!?
So why is it important? I like to stay ahead of the curve..and if the more experienced mongerers are jumping ship..I want to know where to and of course follow them.

Anyway mongering is a hobby of mine and where else to discuss it than in this forum. I also love to compare no doubt about it...see and try what's available. Not only in hotspots where asians come to, but also what's popular with westerners. Not only in Thailand, but in different countries.

IMHO if you are short on time and want to look at a good collection of nice looking gals at NEP. By all means the RB bars are for you. But if you have more time me...other bars/places there will be just as good looking gals as RB. It's foolish to pay the same as the japanese. After the americans they might be the worse with regard to overpaying and polluting the market.

And don't worry i'll provide some info on the BKK scene when I am back.
why pussy expensive when oil go up ....simple 'cos they need to buy lots of oil lubricant to oil their pussies, that's why LOL
History was never my fave subject..I prefer biology and maths..<wink>
Duh... you really have to tell us something new not regurgitate what you read abt.
'cos it is obvious from what you write that you rewrite and generalise what you read, not what you have experienced firsthand.
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Old 30-06-2006, 02:37 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by juggernutt
Also CM1/CM2 at NEP is now the best? What's the whole name? Or is it just CM? Where is this place on teh 1st floor ? I only know angel Witch.
And I heard that Soi COwboy has really picked up lately. I remember 10 years ago...Soi COwboy was pretty sad place. Gals were real ugly. HEard it' s become a better place. Are teh girls comparanble now to NANA?
Heard that it's relationship with NEP is like NEP and PATPONG 15 years ago.
I remember like 5 years ago, I won't even step in NEP because most agogo ladies there are dark skinned and short village ladies and most patrons there are "farangs". The more happening agogo joints were at Patpong. However, Patpong became notorious for its ripping off of tourists....
and NEP rainbow 2 became popular around 2 years ago when it was featured in one of Japan's famous "tourist" magazine. Then more and more Asian started going to NEP instead of Patpong. Now the drinks in NEP rainbow groups are more expensive than Patpong!
Soi Cowboy? Personally I think selection of ladies in Soi Cowboy never can made it.. of cos there definetly are couple of nice ones but most will not get to see since they'll be snatched as early as they started work.... their see through glass ceiling is unique from Patpong and Nana though....
Originally Posted by Sohni
With 2600B you might as well go to a MP and get a cute sideliner for 2 hours of fun..
ya, agree! Agogo good for tcss and squeesing the lady's bums only.... 2,000THB excluding bar fine? Forget it.... unless u like our famous Mr Jun here.. everyday go "nesting" in a single bar and become regular.. hopefully can sian one desperate lonely agogo lady who's willing to give u "free".
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Old 30-06-2006, 02:46 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by acmilan
Duh... you really have to tell us something new not regurgitate what you read abt.
'cos it is obvious from what you write that you rewrite and generalise what you read, not what you have experienced firsthand.
Nowadays I only go NEP to buy burger at the Nana burger stand leh... sometimes "secretly" pop into one of the Rainbow joints for a drink.. like this can write reports or not?
ps. 2-3 weeks ago the burger stand not open leh... owner went S'pore for tour is it?
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Old 01-07-2006, 01:30 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Oil...what oil? No pussy needs oil to lubricate when I am around....
Maybe I can get a discount...

ACmilan: What do you mean i am regurgitating facts? Or do you like getting wrong long as it's new. I am glad to have cleared up the pricing on NEP. Because that's wrong man. 3000/4000 is tsill the hi end for gogo gals.

Anyway right now I am prepping for my trip to Bangkok...and I like to know what's happening now.Don't have enough time messing around..I want to go straight to where the action is. I don't want to be one of the chumps still hanging out in Patpong because it was the top nitespot in bkk during his last visit.
And if I find some nice tips or new interesting places...why shouldn't I mention it here? Maybe someone has been here with a different opinion..or someone might appreciate it.

So you need to wait till I get back with my own perception of the current state of nightlife in BKK. Right now just paperresearch...but in 4 weeks time. Time to put it in practice and then I'll give the facts as i see it.
Can't promise if it will be something "new"..but at least it will be as current as possible.
Old 01-07-2006, 02:06 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations


So where do you like to go?
Anyway I like agogo..know what you're getting. Can bring back to comfort of hotel and even possible allnighters. If it clicks.

Btw I heard patpong is pretty much dead now.Last time didnt bother going there...instead went looking at sutthisan and rao2 on advice of some bros.

2,000THB excluding bar fine? Forget it....
We are talking LT here right? Even late at night this is not possible? Now more 2500/3000?
Old 01-07-2006, 06:00 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Great_Junichi
Who ELSE knows better than the Great_Junichi regarding the BKK Agogo Scenes.
Seems like u are back with a "bang" again...Which part leow ah...Part VI leow is it???
Old 01-07-2006, 02:05 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Nowadays I only go NEP to buy burger at the Nana burger stand leh... sometimes "secretly" pop into one of the Rainbow joints for a drink.. like this can write reports or not?
ps. 2-3 weeks ago the burger stand not open leh... owner went S'pore for tour is it?
is there a burger stand there...or u mean bargal stand..yes there are plenty of bargal stands..haha
I have seen foodstalls selling "maleng" (insects), sausages, BBQ sticks (I love those delicious grilled pork). But seriously, Nana area better for pool rather than pooying. General quality of gals sucks.
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Old 01-07-2006, 02:08 PM
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Cool Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by juggernutt
Oil...what oil? No pussy needs oil to lubricate when I am around....
Maybe I can get a discount...

ACmilan: What do you mean i am regurgitating facts? Or do you like getting wrong long as it's new. I am glad to have cleared up the pricing on NEP. Because that's wrong man. 3000/4000 is tsill the hi end for gogo gals.

Anyway right now I am prepping for my trip to Bangkok...and I like to know what's happening now.Don't have enough time messing around..I want to go straight to where the action is. I don't want to be one of the chumps still hanging out in Patpong because it was the top nitespot in bkk during his last visit.
Precisely, go on the trip and give us firsthand account of your experience when U R back.
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Old 01-07-2006, 04:11 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by acmilan
is there a burger stand there...or u mean bargal stand..yes there are plenty of bargal stands..haha
huh? U don't know the famous Nana burger?!
Thats our Mr Junichi's location nowadays! hehehe
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Old 01-07-2006, 04:20 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by juggernutt
Anyway I like agogo..know what you're getting. Can bring back to comfort of hotel and even possible allnighters. If it clicks.?
Nowadays I jus go for a drink at the local disco or pubs... lately have the oppotunity to hang around Nana area so drop by for drinks and burger. Nana is still ok.. have beer, tcss with the girls (practise Thai) and people watching.
Originally Posted by juggernutt
Btw I heard patpong is pretty much dead now.Last time didnt bother going there...
Been a while since I stepped into Patpong... King group are alright there.... but heard business not so good nowadays so some of the girls are moving around... some even to Nana and soi cowboy.... met couple of "old friends" from Patpong at Nana... haha..
Originally Posted by juggernutt
We are talking LT here right? Even late at night this is not possible? Now more 2500/3000?
I heard ST was around 1,200-2,000THB since last 2 years ago.... in Patpong... LT was around 3,000-4,000THB... but that was for the fair skin ones who go for Asian customers. But sometimes really depends... still up to personal negotiation skill....
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Old 01-07-2006, 04:29 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by singrakthai
...Agogo good for tcss and squeesing the lady's bums only.... 2,000THB excluding bar fine? Forget it....
My bums get squeezed by Agg gers instead. Cheek of it, somemore I'm paying for it -dunno of she shiok or me hehe.

You been missing a short while -Jun's reincarnation woke you up? Btw, was in Talay Bkk thurs night. Saw some nice whisky and beer promoters...
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Old 01-07-2006, 04:32 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by yinyang
You been missing short while -Jun's reincarnation woke you up? Btw, was in Talay Bkk thurs night. Saw some nice whisky and beer promoters...
hehe been busy with work and was in Chiang Mai last weekend.. one nice samster bought me dinner and brought me to CM's local pub/restaurant frequent by the local CM University students...
Wow, u in Thailand now? Now Talay Bkk also ur fav hangout huh? hehe I'm going out for movies now.. and then going for a drink at nice Sirocco... u should try... if u wanna impress ur date.
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Old 03-07-2006, 01:57 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by singrakthai
..Talay Bkk also ur fav hangout huh? hehe I'm going out for movies now.. and then going for a drink at nice Sirocco... u should try... if u wanna impress ur date. enjoy!
Was in Bkk from thurs night (back yesterday). Fell back on talay bkk as no need to scratch my head -easy reach from Petburi. With 2 FLs over 3 nights (wonders of time management)...
Will buzz you next time if you can get away from your weekend popcorn do at egv or major...hehe. Your burger diet (minus side outing to NEP) will help pay for romantic dinner + drinks at Sirocco rooftop hehe
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Old 04-07-2006, 02:25 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by singrakthai
huh? U don't know the famous Nana burger?!
Thats our Mr Junichi's location nowadays! hehehe
haha, maybe always look inwards to Nana burger, I mean bargal stalls inside so never notice this real Nana burger. Hmm... Junch in blue singlet in photo does not look like Tom Cruise, leh....
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Old 04-07-2006, 02:29 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by acmilan
Junch in blue singlet in photo does not look like Tom Cruise, leh....
eh, I never did say the guy in blue singlet in the photo is Jun leh! I only telling u there's a burger stand jus outside NEP and Jun happens to put his "location: Nana Burger Stand" nowadays.
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