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Old 18-02-2020, 06:32 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by subway73 View Post
You are in tough cookie, tried almost all aspect. Real Experienced ones are probably the angmoh doms. In the astronomical price range. However face sitting most can dish it out with the risk of an accident.
Hey, there are some local dommes who does these fetishes. U just have to ask to find out. I personally know 1 or 2 dommes and myself is also doing this fetish. The near death experience will actually makes the blood pump faster to the brain and that rush upon release is sort of out of this world feelings. I've had this fetish since young and find it fun. Best if u can find someone like gf/partners/dommes who can perform this on u while having sexual intercourse will be the icing on the cake.

*PS- I don't engage in any sexual activities so I'm out for my suggestion. Have fun searching...Lol
Old 18-02-2020, 08:05 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

One word: Yikes.
Old 18-02-2020, 06:46 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Since I follow Xenia on WeChat I just had to come see this shitshow for myself. It really is something to behold.

I don't get why some people here seem to get some kind of vicarious thrill from winding her up. Perhaps instead of paying for an actual session you are getting off on the abuse she hurls your way? Why do you seem to care so much about the way she conducts business and does her thing. Time to get over the obsession and move on kiddies.

I've known Xenia for awhile, and unlike your descriptions of her, she is a very caring individual. Yes, she has her quirks but who doesn't. I also find it pretty hilarious at all the pearl clutching going on when she refuses to take your criticism laying down and returns fire. Just let it go and I'm sure so will she.
Old 18-02-2020, 07:33 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Did they give consent to you taking pictures of them especially you showing off children that dont consent for their face to be published in a sex forum

how apparent

edit: and speaking of being in the bdsm community, being in fetlife doesnt auto makes you in the community lol
Old 18-02-2020, 07:37 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I am a Hong Kong sub who has met Goddess Xenia twice, once in HK while the other time was in KL when I was traveling for business. I heard goddess Xenia was under some bullies online so I just want to come here to give some support. Everyone can have their view, but having just read a few posts here I find some people are being too aggressive or violent here…. perhaps it’s the only way they can get interaction with goddess so they continue to do it this way!

Anyway, just want to share my experience in the two sessions with her, both of them have been an awesome experience. From scheduling the session, knowing my likes, meeting me on time, everything is very professional. Needless to say, her skills and experience is one of the best I have ever experienced as well. How she controls you mind and body is really exceptional! The only downside is that her session is not cheap, so I can only schedule for an hour with her each time. But for me the quality is much more important than quantity, so up till now the sessions with her are still one of my most enjoyable ones!

What distinguishes Goddess from other dominas are her attention to details, especially for hygiene and cleaning which to me is a very important aspect. Also, I can feel her truly care about her slaves.

Unfortunately I don’t travel to Singapore for business usually, otherwise I would certainly become her regular sub!
Old 18-02-2020, 08:07 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by alexwangt View Post
Did they give consent to you taking pictures of them especially you showing off children that dont consent for their face to be published in a sex forum

how apparent

edit: and speaking of being in the bdsm community, being in fetlife doesnt auto makes you in the community lol
Go fuck yourself lah! At least I am dong my best for the unfortunate human race unlike u who hides in here and do nothing to help the human race but trying to shoot down anyone who is trying to earn a living!!! These are pictures to show my humble volunteer works because another loser like u accused me of all talk but no actions. So I posted my pictures of my mission trips to verify I am and had really gave my bits to society and not just empty talks like u guys. I cannot imagine u can associate these poor children to sex porn... Seriously? Shame on u!!!

U are fucking sick and perverted to the core! Beyond hope! Truly animals! All guys, take a look at what this idiots said! Fucking disgraceful!
If u have nothing to attack me with then I suggest u stop entirely. Using the pictures and the children to attack me is so so fucking lowlife!
Wonder how your mother raise u ya?!?! Feeding on the unfortunate to boost your sick ego....

U must be super dumb! I don't even login to fetlife. Too blind to see whats going on! U are just a pathetic loser who hide behind the screen with fake profile talking like some fucking real man! Same bloody gay whores who suck cocks to be in the same gang!

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 18-02-2020 at 08:28 PM.
Old 18-02-2020, 08:33 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
One word: Yikes.
Ever since u started these wars, I have taken a huge liking on u and will constantly follow every of your post! I will watch u like a HAWK!

Don't give me the bullshit of your one word! I will nvr let u get away with insulting me again and again! Let's have more wars. I am very free to entertain u.

Btw, I am building my army to counter attack u and your bloody gay whores gang. Really bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 18-02-2020, 08:38 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
Btw, I am building my army to counter attack u and your bloody gay whores gang. Really bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I have heard about that, apparently you have been giving free/discounted sessions in exchange for people to come and shill for you on this thread. The act of a true professional alright.

A few of your subs have even PMed me saying thanks, because if it wasn't for your crazy obsession with me, they wouldn't have gotten the cheap or free sessions.
Old 18-02-2020, 08:43 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
Yes, I have heard about that, apparently you have been giving free/discounted sessions in exchange for people to come and shill for you on this thread. The act of a true professional alright.

A few of your subs have even PMed me saying thanks, because if it wasn't for your crazy obsession with me, they wouldn't have gotten the cheap or free sessions.
U are right! When at war, some sacrifice has to be made. And that 50% offer is only 1 time for SG subs and I nvr gave FREE session! Don't flatter yourself too much to think I am so stupid to do that for u! At the same time I have benefited greatly because many has PM me to give me encouragement to fight loser like u! And some didn't even want discount just to show their support towards me! U must be stupid to think I don't know what I am doing...Hahaha

Stupid u to believe I will be at the losing end. U have no idea what U made me so HOT HOT HOT! And whether I am professional or not doesn't concern u anymore because I will nvr listen to a loser like u! U are just a tool I use!!!! Wake up your fucking idea!!!! hahaha

Those army I'm building are my oversea subs. Lets get this war up for SEA. We shall see who has more in the end!

LASTLY : It doesn't matter whether my subs do it on their own or I asked them to come in here to post. The important thing here is that I HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE THEM PROVE THEIR LOYALTY AND DO THINGS FOR ME! This is FUN! Realizing my POWER as a dominatrix. kekeke......

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 18-02-2020 at 08:59 PM.
Old 18-02-2020, 10:29 PM
REARAdmiral REARAdmiral is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
U are right! When at war, some sacrifice has to be made. And that 50% offer is only 1 time for SG subs and I nvr gave FREE session! Don't flatter yourself too much to think I am so stupid to do that for u! At the same time I have benefited greatly because many has PM me to give me encouragement to fight loser like u! And some didn't even want discount just to show their support towards me! U must be stupid to think I don't know what I am doing...Hahaha

Stupid u to believe I will be at the losing end. U have no idea what U made me so HOT HOT HOT! And whether I am professional or not doesn't concern u anymore because I will nvr listen to a loser like u! U are just a tool I use!!!! Wake up your fucking idea!!!! hahaha

Those army I'm building are my oversea subs. Lets get this war up for SEA. We shall see who has more in the end!

LASTLY : It doesn't matter whether my subs do it on their own or I asked them to come in here to post. The important thing here is that I HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE THEM PROVE THEIR LOYALTY AND DO THINGS FOR ME! This is FUN! Realizing my POWER as a dominatrix. kekeke......

You're back, you semi coherent primary 2 standard of reasoning beeatch!

I see that your insecurity issues are still very rampant, and that your detractors are living rent free in your head (seeing as to how it's empty anyway).

And giving free sessions to your minions to fight your battles? Weak. We all knew you were dumb but now we have confirmation that you're a low class sellout to boot.

Good to hear from you as always.
Old 18-02-2020, 11:25 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by REARAdmiral View Post
You're back, you semi coherent primary 2 standard of reasoning beeatch!

I see that your insecurity issues are still very rampant, and that your detractors are living rent free in your head (seeing as to how it's empty anyway).

And giving free sessions to your minions to fight your battles? Weak. We all knew you were dumb but now we have confirmation that you're a low class sellout to boot.

Good to hear from you as always.
HEY MOTHER FUCKER! Don't think that u can put me down. I already said I didn't give FREE session. Only stupid ppl like u who refused to accept that I am better than u are who stopped at nothing to falsely accused me for giving Free session. Dickheads! Don't flatter yourself lah! U are not worth me giving Free session! Seriously? Who the fuck u think u are?

Some ppl are just idiots cos when they can't win an argument then they will go on to create another false accusation just to get over the argument that they lost!

If u so smart to accused me of giving free session then prove it! I am not afraid of u and will not back down if u continue to attack me! Ppl have eyes to see, go on make this war longer, I don't mind cos I'm having great fun fighting fake persona!

I HAVE ALWAYS MARK MY WORDS! If I did, I will admit and not afraid to do so. Unlike ppl like u who nvr stop accusing me on baseless claim!

Why u forgot the topic of mocking me being an ambassador for Human Race?
Dare not admit that I did and done it long before u accused me of a a fake humanitarian being?

This is getting more and more interesting by the days. Now I finally know why I had to return fire because dickheads like u wouldn't stop at giving me false accusation. And refusing to believe what my oversea subs has to say about me so fabricate lies that I'm giving Free session. I know u are stupid but never expect u to be so low life! Go on fabricate lies, go on trying to prove everyone how capable u dickheads are by being the most sickening cyber bullies!

My value is not determine by u! I don't really gives a fuck what u think but I will nvr ever give u the benefit to think u can falsely accused me and get away with it!

Do yourself a favor to fuck off!!!! U do not deserve any respect from me! U are nothing but a bloody dirty stinky RAT! Wonder why lighting didn't strike such horrible person like u who is totally useless for this world?

There is one thing I really think u dickheads are super lucky to be in SG. Cos if u are elsewhere.......

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 18-02-2020 at 11:40 PM.
Old 18-02-2020, 11:27 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I dont need a free session from her to take her side this time..

Really? Doing volunteer work on missions to help the needy children is selling child porn?
Omfg have you dicks ever done any charity in your lives?

You sound like some self entitled individual who believes yourself to be superior in everyway and have the right to classify everything you deem fit...

Wth is wrong with you? I hope I am not paying my taxes to feed ass like you via some government package because you are too damn lazy to work and feed off your government or parents or siblings money whilst you stay at your keyboard as some king.

Jeez everyone has their own lives!! Why should any of us comform to your standards
Grow the fuck up.. this is an adult forum. Dont like it? Log off go login some netflix children content and entertain yourself.
Wait!!! Maybe you need that government handout to pay your next netflix subscription...
Old 18-02-2020, 11:36 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

I seldom post in this forum but i strongly feel the need to. I am not enjoying any discount/free sessions (hey how come no1 told me abt it), but I am willing to write this becuz xenia deserves it. I have only sessioned with her once, and before the session i can say that she has exceeded my expectations. She is polite and professional and has made me feel comfortable thruout my entire session. You must have stepped on her toes or requested for something absurd that she cannot cater for, hence the backlash. In regards to the previous incident, i think any mother would have done the same to protect their children. If you were in her shoes, would you want your children to be exposed in an adult forum? Wouldnt you be enraged? If you beg to differ, i strongly suggest you see a psychiatrist. If you have negative views toward xenia's professionalism then that is your own personal view. I am sure many bdsm fans in this forum can say that Xenia is a professional dominatrix. Do not simply tarnish somebodys reputation because of your own personal experience. Doesnt mean that you have had a rough experience with Xenia makes her a horrible person. She is afterall trying to earn a living and giving back to this bdsm community by fulfilling our kinks. It is troubling that you have to resort to insulting a prodomme as a source of entertainment. Tsk tsk. Simply pathetic.
Old 19-02-2020, 12:55 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Havanna Slicks View Post

overall enjoyed myself and it was an awesome experience, as mentioned previously, goddess is a hygiene freak, she will use alcohol swaps to clean and sterilise every toy before and after it has come into contact with my body, even though her sessions are packed to the brim, she takes the effort to get clean towels for us, this is really commendable... for her professionalism and the heart and effort she puts in to conduct her sessions, it's no wonder she has garnered so many sub followings all over the world...
Haha i do agree that she has really good hygiene as her OCD levels are sky high which is a good thing because all her toys are clean and we would never have to worry as it also takes a huge amount of effort to clean it after every session considering that i am a little hygiene freak as well!
Old 19-02-2020, 04:33 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
Yes, I have heard about that, apparently you have been giving free/discounted sessions in exchange for people to come and shill for you on this thread. The act of a true professional alright.

A few of your subs have even PMed me saying thanks, because if it wasn't for your crazy obsession with me, they wouldn't have gotten the cheap or free sessions.
I call bullshit on this.
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