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Re: Tg Balai
Correction! Ku madu, cewks lebah.
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Never break 4 things in life - Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart cos when they break, they dont make noise but pains a lot.. |
Re: Tg Balai
as much as i did not enjoy the whoring experience in my virgin balai trip...
going to the riau islands for a 2 nights break was a god-send break. things were crazily inefficient there and 8-11am which passed so fast here with the frantic sales calls in my daily routine slowed down to a snail's pace... one dangerous encounter i had before we returned home was when we met this loser on the streets... this indonesian guy who had broken sandals and dirtied bermudas with some dirt on it and flies surrounding him approached us and offered to bring us to go on a food tour... with flies flying around him? err... thanks but no thanks. but he was very aggressive, he persisted for a long 3 minutes and insisted on bringing us with me. possible flashpoint... i was really worried that he would rob us and if we were to fight him 1. how many of his accomplices are hiding in the background? that remains to be an unknown... 2. would passer-bys join in for a free-for-all once they see a chinese beating one of these losers? then, i thought, if he were to attempt to rob us, i would fight back, as i had sg$250 with me. why am i sharing this non-sexual experience with the folks here... here's why. if u are robbed, my suggestion is let it be. we are in a muslim majority hood when we are there. i have seen news of the whole indon crowd going crazy beating some police in the city streets.... they would love to mass mug us, given the chance. do note, my earlier encounter... the ojek overcharged us by more than 100% and still persisted in being right... he got away with scolding us babi "pig" in bahasa... i asked a few friends from malaysia and myanmar... they laughed at me when they heard my answer that i was ready to transform into a fat ip man and take on... these losers... all because i am a miser unwilling to lose sg$250. reflecting on the above issue... i have this to say, bring what you project yourself to spend. in a robbery, i won't fight back for whatever little amount of money that i carry... it's not worth exchanging my life for that little amount of money... do note, their polis is just a uniformed thug... back to the whores in balai... during my trip, each of the whores i booked for my day trip had singaporean / malaysian / thai lovers calling them telling them about their prospective trips. it's pretty amazing how the guys were sweet talking to the girls... with a possible intend of a relationship... how do i know? i was just beside the whores when they were on the phones, sweet talking to the guys. haha... that's really funny, cause once the conversation ends, i would rip their clothes and the screwing would begin... there's this sillyporean malay dude who was sweet talking to this whore which i booked... haha, it's so funny. cause i cooperated and kept quiet while he was trying to woo her... she replied the prices for booking her was RP$700k on the hari raya haji holidays... and he was bargaining for RP$550k which she rejects flatly, that's the price i had her though, i hope to use this episode to forewarn the brothers here... if you can, please fcuk and forget... whores are whores ... are whores. period. the girls in villa and rukko, as the chinese driver explains to me are from other parts of indonesia... not locals... while i am not sure if there's any whore trafficking... there might be some, but i seriously think there's a bigger percentage of whores on balai island that signed up for the package to be an ayam... ( ayam : chicken, another word for whore, in mandarin ) so, as my old friend who brought me around that day told me... i wish to share it with the folks here... once you leave balai, don't think of the things that occurred there... so that you don't leave your heart behind... lingering for the things that you enjoyed... that way, when you are back in singapore... you won't be so likely to be distracted... hehe, the only thing that i am drawn to is the cheap seafood dinners... haha if u are whoring on balai, please read up on basic sexual diseases... i wasted my money on a whore who had genital warts on her virginal... freaking gross... and they have a pretty bad refund policy... i paid RP$600k and was refund RP$200k when i complaint that i wasn't going to screw a girl with known STD... i opted to swap a girl... and the pimps hid the prettier girls, who are generally younger, and brought out the maids platoon.... old, dark and ugly. ![]() the girl with the known STD... had absolute sagging boobs.... which she said was due to consuming drugs, ICE and all that shit... i had 3 girls then... all 3 were taking drugs. the first 2 had bad teeth... the last one has ok teeth because she was alot fresher on balai, having come from jawa 2 years ago only so, do be careful, read up on STD so that u can reject the whores if they show signs of carriage of them outwardly. cheers... |
Re: Tg Balai
Acknowledged that you had a torrid time in TBK but calling these cewes - whores (no doubt there are) is a big too harsh.
![]() Pak believe they have at less a tinkle of hope in respect to their profession so let them have that little dignity in them Thanks for you FR nonetheless ![]() Do name the joint and the cewe that you booked so that Mas (bros) here can take the necessary precaution
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3 |
Re: Tg Balai
Around 1am I heard pounding on my door, I peeped through the latch gap and saw my buddy outside, I opened the door to let him in...... he was shivering and face white and in shock, I brought him into my room to let him calm down and tried to ask him what happened but he could not say anything. At about the same time the hotel security also came up to see what the commotion was about. He said my buddy's cewek ran out of the hotel. I went with the security to my buddy's room to retrieve his belongings and before entering the room, the guy did some chanting. While I was collecting the belongings, I had this eerie feeling I someone is watching me and the room felt extremely cold.... and the aircon was OFF. Anyway the next morning my buddy was more or less settled down and at the lobby told us what happened. After doing the deed with his cewek both of them were relaxing and watching tv when the whole room blackout. He thought it was a power failure until the tv came back on and the channels started switching by itself as though someone is controlling the remote. Then the lights oso on & off by itself. The final thing that freak them out was the cewek told my buddy there was someone in the toilet, my buddy went to look and saw the shadow of a long hair woman and decided to flee. I then recall the security guy chanting when we went to the room and asked him about it, he then told us that room is haunted. The hotel oso knows about it and seldom let out the room unless they are fully booked. |
Re: Tg Balai
Member of YSF |
Re: Tg Balai
Never break 4 things in life - Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart cos when they break, they dont make noise but pains a lot.. |
Re: Tg Balai
Erm any bros here got Chinese driver contect to intro Will not anyhow chop ppl cause I always reach The custom there woa all the drivers like to pull , so I doint go alone usually ,I have lost my driver contect
Re: Tg Balai
It is pretty common for those old timer to have regular calling them on & off. It is Ok for me but for other bro may be piss off. There is once i would rub and dig them while they on the phone just to see their reaction.Guess what , they just continue with their conversation as those nothing happen(No feeling).This are real pro. Don`t mind share the girl no. , name and joint of this STD girl , i am sure lot of bro here will like to know. Thanks. ![]() |
Re: Tg Balai
![]() Bro brightbluesky ![]() You Have Not Walked In Their Shoes.. Therefor pls don't be too harsh with 'name calling'.They are someone's daughter after all.. ______ Thanks to all TBK bros who upz me..Will upz you back when I recover ![]() |
Re: Tg Balai
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Re: Tg Balai
Never break 4 things in life - Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart cos when they break, they dont make noise but pains a lot.. |
Re: Tg Balai
With rgds to callg those cweks whore, hmm....not all of them like to b screwed by dicks of diff sizes n diff nationalities. Most of them r force into sex slaves. I still rem after e dwfall of late suharto, indo was in state of chaos. Riots here n tere. Factories force to close. Alot were retrenched, jobless. Women were force to take over their hopless husb/cowok to earn a living to feed their parent n children. Wat else can those women work as if is not flesh trade? Even up to tis present state, many cewks find it hard to find a decent job. I for one, never look down on them. Those who dont take drugs n serious abt earng a living even workg such, they still command my respect! They r thousand time better than those cowok. I salute them!
Never break 4 things in life - Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart cos when they break, they dont make noise but pains a lot.. |
Re: Tg Balai
Bro baby,
Pls tell us your 'misteri jam 12' ![]() |
![]() Quote:
“Real love is when you become selfless and you are more concerned about your family or children's well being than your own". Last edited by kristoa7; 08-11-2011 at 05:21 PM. Reason: xxx |
Re: Tg Balai
Ya bro, interested to know...
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