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Old 22-05-2011, 07:53 AM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Originally Posted by HIV=AIDS View Post
Zapping here zapping there will it help to cleared the air for Violet,pls do something more construtive to help Violet clear her name.The way you guys act is really childish.If you guys don't like my statement,just zap me too,the points mean nothing to me.
The point system IMHO is constructive. Ups if I approve and Zaps if I disapprove on a post.

I get upped because Bro likes and approve of my post, FR, and contributions to this SBF forum which may be helpful to other Bros.

You get zapped because Bro thinks you're an asshole and disapprove of your post for being offensive, some more dare to say, "I really not here to gain any points" after being upped and even try to spur more zapping by posting, "To that 2 childish samsters hope you happy zapping me.You both can be my guests to continue to perform your silly zapping power which you both think that can do wonder.Wish you both happy zapping.", sorry but this is not the kind of attitude that is welcomed here, especially by senior Bros, so don't think of them as silly because in the end, it is your points that will be so silly going way down to negative territory like this MilfBoysg joker!

Don't be in denial, please lah, of course when you get zapped you feel a bit of 'pinch' on your spine. Correct or not?!

I thank you.
Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 22-05-2011, 09:33 AM
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Ocean Hotel Location

Originally Posted by koneku2002 View Post
can any bro be kind enought to share the location of ocean hotel plssss
Location of Ocean Hotel from earlier posts:

Extract: General Info for all new: "Ocean Hotel" is in Jalan Wong Ah Fook, same side as City Square - 5 mins walk.

From City Square, cross 2 streets. Walk in front (corridor) of the shop houses along Jln Wong Ah Fook (Number approx: 64). Big dirty white signboard (will not miss) above entrance. Will see a staircase beside a watch stall that leads up to Ocean. Take the lift or walk up the stairs (Level 2 to Level 5).

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Old 22-05-2011, 10:01 AM
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Talking Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Originally Posted by austin69 View Post
The point system IMHO is constructive. Ups if I approve and Zaps if I disapprove on a post.

I get upped because Bro likes and approve of my post, FR, and contributions to this SBF forum which may be helpful to other Bros.

You get zapped because Bro thinks you're an asshole and disapprove of your post for being offensive, some more dare to say, "I really not here to gain any points" after being upped and even try to spur more zapping by posting, "To that 2 childish samsters hope you happy zapping me.You both can be my guests to continue to perform your silly zapping power which you both think that can do wonder.Wish you both happy zapping.", sorry but this is not the kind of attitude that is welcomed here, especially by senior Bros, so don't think of them as silly because in the end, it is your points that will be so silly going way down to negative territory like this MilfBoysg joker!

Don't be in denial, please lah, of course when you get zapped you feel a bit of 'pinch' on your spine. Correct or not?!

I thank you.

If it my driving license points for sure I feel pain..You can zap my remaining points if you want. I repeat again.I 'm not here for any points.
Old 22-05-2011, 11:18 AM
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Ocean Hotel: 2nd Level R60 - Violet

Originally Posted by austin69 View Post
.. point constructive. Ups ..approve .. Zaps..disapprove .. you're an asshole and disapprove of your post for being offensive, ... "childish samsters ...", sorry ..attitude ..not welcomed here..
Well said. Sorry for "HIV=AIDS" but he deserves the zappings!! Basis of SBF as set up by big boss Sammyboyfor/Moderators. No reason to be in SBF if U want to challenge big boss - he can zap U to -2000 for arrogance or cancel your account.

Originally Posted by kristoa7 View Post
so is violet safe...
Originally Posted by HIV=AIDS View Post
Safe or Not safe.....Well just don’t take your chances on her till the air are cleared by some bros here.
Sorry I was busy. Please chill down - do not zap him further. "HIV=AIDS" is a hot headed young (?) Malaysian who is trying very hard to help Violet (also Malaysian) - he has good intentions. I believe my replies/rebutals to : "MilfBoysg" (milffella) were conclusive: Do not spread vicious lies and malicious rumours - all rubbish. Violet is OK and in my highly recommended list for Petain/Geylang/Ocean. By the way I am a Singaporean - will be visiting Violet soon. U all should not allow a sadist to to create havoc in JB or Malaysia. Background info:

Summary of Sequence of Events/Detail (aware too many posts/confusing to newbies):

1) "milffella" created havoc in Petain; was zapped from > 270 to 220 (only 50 pts) in Jan 10 over quite a long duration - many were upset. Moderator/Sammyboyfor intervened and "milffella" was place under moderations; his posts were screened/stopped!! His pts dropped from +220 to -215 overnight!!

"MilfBoysg" (milffella) created havoc in Ocean for Violet. His viscious lies/rumours:

a) Condoms in Ocean/JB unsafe - rubbish, all condom are stringently tested.

b) WLs in Petain of H14 aware that Violet permit has been cancelled. Rubbish!! H14 OKT confirms that her permit not cancelled by AV. She prefers Ocean. I risked offending her - asked her in April 11. She said that she can work in Singapore, nothing to do with permit, she prefers to work in Ocean (lower cost of living, also no need to stand nonsense from AV etc.).

c)JiaJia Petain H11R3 (permit cancelled) now working in 5th Level, Ocean. Rubbish JiaJia is still in Petian today:
Extract: I can validate that JJ H11R03 is still there (Petain). Why just now I RTF Jenny H11R01, before and after session I saw JJ there? Say hi somemore! How can she be in Ocean?!This MilfBoysg is so full of crap 'n' shit!

I have also requested big boss Sammyboyfor/Moderators for assistances to screen/stop the vicious/malicious lies/rumours. No more nonsense now - thanks to them. I even thanked and planned to up those who have been pro-active/positive and supportive of Ocean/Violet in conclusion.

General info for all: The legal Geylang/Petain houses have mandatory monthly checkups for STD - AV requirements. Probably not for Ocean as no brothel in Malaysia is legal. WLs, FL (Ocean, GBW, NY Spa etc ) will definitely not put there lives (and anyone else) at risks for $. Violet is probably the most knowledgeable in Ocean on STD/Tests. She is probably one of the best looking, safest WL in Ocean - Petain loss. Her services definitely one of the best in Geylang/Petain/Ocean/Malayasia.

BigBoss Sammyboyfor recommendation (very stingent - many may not agree):
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Last edited by Kalv; 22-05-2011 at 11:22 AM. Reason: typing error
Old 22-05-2011, 12:09 PM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Originally Posted by HIV=AIDS View Post
If it my driving license points for sure I feel pain..You can zap my remaining points if you want. I repeat again.I 'm not here for any points.
Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh, crap!

I will neither ups nor zaps you because eitherway it is still points be it positive or negative.

And you are not here for any points, right? So you will get nothing from me! I repeat again ..... NOTHING!

I thank you!

Bro Kalv re: as per your post below, hats off to you!!! I salute!


I thank you!
Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 22-05-2011, 01:46 PM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Definitely[/B] - this is JB, Malaysia!! A very nice looking one in 3rd Level R42 Jennifer (opp OKT table) - U might get better service from her (a few complaints of low GFE).

Jeniffer is from sarawak.. lousy service. but pretty face.
Old 22-05-2011, 02:43 PM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Last nite was tere. Jalan jalan. Saw level 2 rm 60. Violet not tere. Instead another short hair WL tere. Rem mths back she was tere. Indeed she had gone down. Look shag. Not speculating anything.

Juz curious. Violet long leave?
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Old 22-05-2011, 03:22 PM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon View Post
Last nite was tere... level 2 rm 60. Violet not tere. ...short hair WL ..Juz curious. Violet long leave?
Always feel that Ocean (also Petain) is not suitable for her - opinion may differ - no offense. Maybe give up already - with all these hoohaas!! Wish her well in whatever doing. Ocean will have one less service oriented WL. One less reasons for me to visit JB too. Cheers .
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Old 22-05-2011, 06:57 PM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Originally Posted by austin69 View Post
Well said and well done Bro! Continue to go on this track and points will come your way.

Just ups you with my 1 humble point.

I thank you.
Thank you Bro..
Old 22-05-2011, 07:02 PM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Originally Posted by austin69 View Post
Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh, crap!

I will neither ups nor zaps you because eitherway it is still points be it positive or negative.

And you are not here for any points, right? So you will get nothing from me! I repeat again ..... NOTHING!

I thank you!

Bro Kalv re: as per your post below, hats off to you!!! I salute!


I thank you!
Bro austin69..i concurred with your statement and views....
Old 22-05-2011, 09:14 PM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Originally Posted by pjsb3399 View Post
Bro austin69..i concurred with your statement and views....
Appreciate your support Bro.

I thank you!
Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 22-05-2011, 09:18 PM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Originally Posted by HIV=AIDS View Post
If it my driving license points for sure I feel pain..You can zap my remaining points if you want. I repeat again.I 'm not here for any points.

After you gana zap by someone, he can only up/zap you at least 1000 days later
Old 24-05-2011, 07:44 AM
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Re: Ocean Hotel Level 4 Room34

Originally Posted by Peter83 View Post

After you gana zap by someone, he can only up/zap you at least 1000 days later
Yes can only up or zap someone (once only) every 3 yrs!! Will up U today as promised. Cheers.
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Old 24-05-2011, 08:41 AM
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Ocean Hotel Location/WLs List

General info on Ocean Hotel/WLs. Some data may be wrong - out of date. Hope useful to all. Would appreciate if everyone can help to edit/update - no copy right - no need to get me involved!!

Ocean "Hotel" is not a budget hotel. It is similar to Petain/Desker. Ocean has Ground Fl (lift landing/watch stall), 1st Floor (Storage ?), 2nd - 4th Fl WLs @ M$65, 5th Fl WLs @ M$40. Every floor has an OKT table and interesting "toilet". No brothel in Malaysia is legal - however no raid so far.


2nd Level Rooms: R54, R56, R58, R60, R62, R64, R66, R68, R80, R82

Violet (now on leave or given up?) - nice looking/friendly - Malaysian Chinese. Excellent services (BBBJ etc). Ex Geylang CAT150, Petain CAT 50.

3rd Level Rooms: R38, R40, R42, R44, R46, R48, R50, R52, R74, R76

R42 Jennifer - Beautiful, young Malay from Sarawak. No GFE - all negative FRs. Not recommended unless U loves trying beautiful WL to test chemistry level.
R50 Elaine (Chinese) - Nice looking, chatty, friendly with good services (BBBJ etc) - highly recommended.
R56 May (Chinese)

4th Level Rooms: R22, R24, R26, R28, R30, R32, R34, R36, R70, R72

R22 AiAi (Chinese)
R24 Ah Er (Chinese)
R26 Michelle - Quite nice looking/friendly new WL (4 months), Chinese. BBBJ. Recommended.
R34 Ice - New sweet looking young WL, Chinese. Low GFE with BBBJ.

Please note that Rooms are not fixed in Ocean. New WLs will normally occupy R26, R34, R70, R72 - near to OKT table - also R60, 4th Level.

Would appreciate if someone can edit/update/add on further and take responsibility. Difficult for me from Singapore. I have also Geylang/Petain to cover. Will visit Ocean soon to check with OKT on Violet. Cheers .
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Last edited by Kalv; 24-05-2011 at 08:43 AM. Reason: More highlghts
Old 24-05-2011, 06:17 PM
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Ocean Hotel: Vivian

Originally Posted by JeffKL View Post
Tried Vivian 3 weeks ago.... looks .. like Eelyn kok of Mediacorp..
Originally Posted by pjsb3399 View Post
yes...very alike...
Vivian is last seen in which room/level? Good service (friendly, BJ, kiss etc.) ? Many will be interested. Kindly give short FR.

Just up U, "Peter83". "HIV=AIDS" , U have also contributed and tried to help Violet. Give a post anywhere in SBF (NZ/ Lion Spa, Ocean etc) in 2 days time. I will up U. No reply/PM necessary - unless U do not want the pts. Cheers.
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