An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
I apply to NUS /d not get in...went to appeal in my number 4 and saw so many foreigners on campus... understand where my opportunity in life go to. After NS, richer friends will same or poorer results than me went overseas to pursue degrees in foreign universities recognised BH civil service. The came back work as professionals. As for myself my family was too poor so I worked a few years in fast food amy my eyes was opened to the real Singapore. I was once scolded by an FT manager for 1 hour for filling some forms wrongly after a long day. Before my work life, I always hopeful and optimistic but after I worked a few years it seems for many lower income Singaporeans life is no better than n a 3rd world country or even worse.
Anyway to make a long story short, I gave up on working borrow 30K from my mom to be a trader. That was my mom's life savings if I had failed I do not know whether I would have ended in a reservoir or look for a tall building. It has been 4 yrs I have returned my mom,s money. ?..and survived the rough and tumble of trading. . I consider myself lucky and I am thankful I don't have to go back to work as a low income worker. Despite my ordeal I consider myself fortunate compared with many Singaporeans I have met when working living a life of poverty in one of the worlds most expensive cities.
I voluunteer to help the less either in my own capacity or at charity evsnts....k beleiev it is a duty for everyone who is doing better not to forget those who are left behind. I also believe that a faster pace of change is necessary to carry this country forward that's why I volunteer occasionally for workers party events and take part in opposition rallies and events at hong lim.
I do take issue with the following:
1. Why does the pap govt choose to educate children of foreigners when Singaporeans capable of getting degrees are not allowed into university. Those with rich parents go overseas to get degrees but those of poor families have no chance.
2. Shouldn't the Singaporean govt educated each Singaporean child to the fullest before educating children of foreigners..
Any change in this area is too late for me but I don't want future generations of Singaporeans to be denied opportunity...we must always think about and support other Singaporeans and break free from the selfish mindset of thinking about ourselves. If we continue to let the pap dominate us I sincerely believe life for Singaporeans will get worse for an increasing number of Singaporeans.
I am ready to defend my views here as correct and can ask for my opinion on any issue ...always willing to share
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