An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Where does the PAP find all these foot in the mouth cock suckers Ministers?. Since he says Hari Raya supposed to strenghten the Malay's family ties, than why he marry a Puerto Rican Hispanic CATHOLIC GIRL? What kind of message is he sending to "strenghten" Malay family? His message is that "In a sea of Muslims in SE Asia, I cannot find one Mat charbo to marry, so I must go to the Caribbean and find one catholic hispanic girl to marry, and also got US citizenship as bonus". marry out of his race, religion and culture is strenghtening malay community? Minister Yaacock, Lead by example first lah, not by your cheebye mouth.
Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Dr Yaacob Ibrahim said the month of Ramadan reminds the community to strengthen family ties, as well as to appreciate the sacrifice, service and love of parents, including Singapore's pioneers.
SINGAPORE: Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Dr Yaacob Ibrahim and his parliamentary colleagues wish all Muslims 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri'.
In his Hari Raya Message, Dr Yaacob urged the community to have the spirit of inclusiveness and generosity that has brought a life of peace and harmony so that the community can chart a brighter future together for all Singaporeans.
He said the community's heart also goes beyond borders for the innocent victims in Gaza, and it prays for a swift end to the violence. He added that mosques and the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation (RLAF) have embarked on fund-raising initiatives to provide humanitarian aid to the victims.
Dr Yaacob said the month of Ramadan also reminds the community to strengthen family ties, as well as to appreciate the sacrifice, service and love of parents, including Singapore's pioneers.
He said the Government introduced several key programmes - such as the Pioneer Generation Package and MediShield Life - to ease the healthcare costs for pioneers.
These initiatives also serve to recognise their contributions to Singapore's nation-building efforts, including strengthening inter-religious understanding and acceptance so that Singaporeans can enjoy a harmonious life.
"I hope that the spirit of our pioneer generation will continue to burn strongly in our youth, so that we can achieve many peaks of excellence in our community. I am heartened to see many of our youth coming forward and engaging in selfless efforts at helping the less well-off this past Ramadan," said Dr Yaacob.
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